•|epilogue: the end [present day]

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"I wonder how these things happen

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"I wonder how these things happen." Oleander mused to himself, looking at the coffin a few steps away from him.

The morning was bright and beautiful. The sky was the shade of a forget me not blue with cottony clouds and strong sunlight. Birds sang their songs, perched upon the branches of trees, marking the advent of a wonderful morning.

All the residents of Andrasville were in the new graveyard of the town, watching the funeral of Wilhelmina Andras, along with journalists from local newspapers.

A month had passed since her remains were discovered from underneath the château. A smaller version of the mausoleum in the old graveyard had been replicated, which was to be Wilhelmina Andras's final resting place.

"I wonder about that too," Yvaine nodded, who stood in the middle of Oleander and Amberly. She was dressed in a smart black knee-length dress, her hair pulled into a tight ponytail. "But what matters is that Wilhelmina is finally getting a happy ending."

"It is a happy ending but I feel so sad for the girl," Amberly sighed. She had opted for a longer dress for the funeral and matching black heels. "She did not deserve to die like that."

"That is right. But we cannot reverse the past," Oleander said. "Look at the bright side. Andrasville will soon become famous which also makes me envious of you young ladies. You got to experience all the fun in my absence."

"Oh no, Mr Vescott it was no fun at all," Yvaine shook her head. "That basement is awful, so cold and dark! I did not like it all."

"You forget that I am a historian, Miss Agan," Oleander beamed. "I am accustomed to dark and cold places. Have seen a lot of them."

"Still, I would never go in there. Not for a million dollars," Amberly interjected. "Yvaine—I mean Miss Agan is quite bold to have gone down there all alone." She bit her lower lip for calling Yvaine by her name and not her surname.

"It's fine Amberly," Yvaine giggled. "You can call me Yvaine. After all that, it is befitting to say that we are now friends."

"Well that's right," Amberly nodded in agreement. "But friends don't just hang around in graveyards and old, creepy basements. Let us go to that new cafeteria that has just opened, next Sunday? To commemorate our new friendship?" Her eyes gleamed with childish delight while a pinkish blush had formed on the points of her cheeks.

"Yes, sure." Yvaine agreed, making Amberly squeal in delight.

"Well, well wouldn't you include this old man too?" Oleander pouted.

"Yes Mr Vescott you may come!" Amberly exclaimed, "I am so sorry for not including you at once."

"I was just joking," Oleander laughed. "You two enjoy some alone time. I might have to leave town next Sunday for a few days." He winked.


"To meet an old friend." He said. Silence fell upon them thereafter

A smile appeared on Yvaine's lips, as her ears filled with sounds of chatter and laughter. It mingled with the voice of the local priest reading out the funeral service at the very front of the crowd and the snaps and clicks of the journalist's cameras. The funeral was full of joy and hope for a better tomorrow. A rebirth it was in a way. Warmth flooded her heart with the thoughts of a sweet and fulfilling future.

However, unseen by the public eyes something inhuman, something white lurked in thick woods beside the graveyard. Its demented form stayed away from the sunshine, the wholly black pupils glinting with unsatiated hunger.

After all, the disappearance of Wilhelmina Andras was not the only mystery that plagued this town.

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