Ch-11{She looked so lifeless}

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Sid's pov;

I was currently sitting in my dad's office bcoz there was a small problem and dad was at his friends house..So I had to look after it..

Suddenly the doors opened and my 2 men came in I looked up only to find vishal and amit,my most trusted bodyguards..

"Sir u called us?" Vishal asked..

"Yes..Do one thing go to my house and then pick up my luggage and uhh..Pick up ashi also and bring her to airport..I'll go to pick my assistant manushi and then I'll come straight to airport"I said and they nodded..And went out of the cabin..

Half an hour went by and I started to feel uneasy like something bad gonna happen..But I ignored the feeling..

I still called my one of the bodyguard to confirm that everything is fine..But he didn't picked the call..I called another one he also didn't picked..

After 10 minutes of debating that I should call ashi or not..I decided to call her but then I don't have her number..

'Wow Mr.Siddharth nigam u don't have ur wife's number' my mind mocled me..

I called my mansion's watchman..

"Did 2 mens came to the house?" i asked..

"Yes sir..They came about half an hour ago" Watchman said and I sighed..

"Did they took ashi with them?"I asked..

"No sir..No one walked out of the house and sir I heard a scream 10 mins ago..I checked but everything was normal" The watchman said..

"What?" I asked shocked..

Just as I was about to say something the cabin's door opened with a thud and there stood vishal and amit..Both were injured..I hanged up on the call and looked at them..

"What happened?" I asked but then something clicked in my brain..

"Wait..What the HELL..If u guys are here then who the fuck is in my house with Ashi?" I yelled..

"We don't know sir..We were going to ur house to pick up ashi mam..But we saw a lady lying on the road so we got out..And then suddenly someone attacked us from behind.."Vishal said and I was still trying to understand their statement..

"We got unconscious sir..We came in senses few mins ago and came to u" Amit explained but I still didn't listened anything my mind was just thinking who was at my home..

"U guys get some first aid..I have to go" I rushed out if the cabin..

And made my way to the car and drove it with high speed..

All negative thoughts were encircling in my mind but I shook them off..

'I heard a scream' Watchman's words echoed in my minds and I drove more fastly..

When I reached the mansion..I didn't even parked my car I just jumped out and rushed towards the main door but it was locked..I banged the door but nobody opened..I took another keys of the main door from my pocket and opened the door..

I looked over everywhere..Everything was a mess in the living room..Like there was some kind of fight..But I ignored everything and looked around but stopped when my eyes fell on something..

I looked towards it again..And honestly I was shocked to hell..Ashi was lying there in just her bra and jeans..She looked so lifeless..

I took off my jacket and ran to her..Making her wear it..

"Why y-you did th-that?" This were her last words before she lost her consciousness..

And I looked at her confused..What did I do?..But its not time to think anything..

I took her in my arms and ran towards the car..I drove as fast as I could to the nearest private hospital..


I was currently sitting on the chairs in the hallway of the hospital..Ashi was inside the room infront of me,doctors were still checking her..

And me?..My mind wasn't still working..How could anyone just go inside my house?..Firstly I will fucking remove the watchman and then I will fire all the house servants..How could they go and leave ashi alone?

Fuck off..Fuck them..Fuck all..And helll why am I even caring about her she just slapped me man!!..I should be happy but I'm not..Maybe bcoz she us my wife..Actually 'so called wife'..

"Sid..How is ashi?" Sm1 asked and I looked up only to find my mom-dad standing with a worry on their face..

I called them few minutes agi and they were like-'Is she fine?'..'How did this happen?'..'Where were u?'..'Is she injured a lot?'..'What did actually happened?'..'We'r coming'..

"i don't know..doctors are checking her" I said and my mom nodded and sat beside me..

"My poor daughter..God plss make her fine"My mom prayed..

Wow!!Ashi has only been in the house from last 2 days..And she is already the favorite of my mom..I am her blood but she still cares for her..

Sid..What the hell are u thinking?..Ashi is in a vulnerable condition..She needs care and attention..Don't compare yourself with her..

Doctor came out of the room making me immediately stand..

"Is she fine?" I asked..I don't care anyway for her maybe a little I do but just little..

Doctor sighed..

"She's in coma..Maybe bcoz she was in trauma" Doctor said sadly..


Heyya lovelies..Ignore my grammar mistakes..


Lots of love to u guys,

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