After Hours

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[A/N]  Here are some additional tags you should pay attention to:

#AU-modernsetting #AU-corporate #boss/employeerelationship #pwpwithlittleplot #officesex #explicitsexualcontent #explicitlanguage #consensualsex #assistantlevi #bossmc #shamelesssmut #roughsex #domlevi #submc #dom/subplay #foreplay #vaginalfingering #vaginalsex #blowjob #creampie #breathplay #dirtytalk #rawsex #useacondomkids #practicesafesex #praisekink #breedingkink #spanking #readerisbentoveratableandlevifucksherbrainsoutbasically #hair-pulling #aftercare #softlevi #ihavenoideahowcorporateworks

This is my first PWP, and since I was in a certain mood, I said why not post it haha. This is the result, I guess. Since it's my first time trying my hand at writing actual smut, I hope it's not too cringe or anything like that. But yeah, I'm gonna stop rambling and let you guys read ^^ Hope you enjoy <3
Here's the playlist I created for this fic if anyone's interested to check it out:

Let's get started! 


"Mister Ackerman. My office. Now."

Your firm voice resonated through the spacious hall. Your subordinates' footsteps against the luscious marble floor halted.

Lively chattering and bickering now gone, it didn't take long for them to cast nervous glances between you and the dark-haired man.

You didn't blame them.

You didn't exactly have the reputation of being the easiest person to get along with. Nor the jolliest one to be around.

But you also didn't mind.

Being the manager of the Purchasing and Administration department in the company you were working for — the youngest manager in the corporation at that — meant you needed to maintain a serious and no-nonsense image if you wanted people to show you the respect you deserved. You had worked your ass off to get here, and you'd be damned before you let anyone step on you just because of your thirty years of life or your gender.

That's how the corporate world worked, after all. Eat them alive before they eat you.

But it's not like you enjoyed people being scared and intimidated by you either.

Sure, you were always quick to point out even the smallest of mistakes because of your perfectionist nature. And at times, you may even be harsher on your team than necessary.

But that was only because you wanted your department to prosper. There could be no room for mistakes or missed deadlines.

You wanted, no, you needed to prove to the board you were a capable leader. You couldn't have your team acting any less than perfect for that to happen.

You liked to believe you were not a monster to them, either. At least not yet. No one had quit in the six months you'd been leading this department, while your productivity continued to soar.

But no matter how much they feared you, all of them were good, hard-working people, and you knew that. Now that the company had decided to cut down on staff, you'd also hate to see any of them being laid off for no reason other than greedy numbers.

If that meant people cursing you out or chatting stopping whenever you were passing by, then so be it. You'd rather have them stressed out than jobless.

Your team was not the only one you were extremely hard on.

Despite urging them to work as best as they could, you allowed no one to work overtime if they didn't specifically asked for it. You knew proper rest was an important part of increasing productivity, and you'd be dead before you had any children cry about their parents never being at home because of their job.

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