All i have to tell you!!

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For the person you love but is already someone else's


whether I remain there or not,
just remain there somewhere in me.
when I get the last sleep,
keep coming in my dreams..
this is all I have to tell you..

someday if there is a rain,
think that I am there in the drops and i know the one you love will be your umbrella
if the sun troubles you in the morning,
know that I am there in the rays.

whether I say something or not,
just keep listening to me,
this is all I have to tell you..

My feels wrapped in the winds,
will touch you and pass..
if you wish to stop me, do so,
and I'll stay at your lips forever.

Your smile brings me butterflies
I know you belong to someone else but i still love you.

Whether seen or not, your love is encarved with an immortal ink in my heart.

whether I am seen or not,
Please feel me..
this is all I have to tell you..

I will always love you



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