20 | twenty

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Ace Black

My date with Mel last night didn't go the way I planned, but I did enjoy myself. I like having things follow a schedule because I know what will happen. Mel is like that too, but not as much as me. If my schedule gets disrupted it ruins my whole day. On the other hand, if Mel's schedule gets disrupted, she'll find a way to work with it. Which is extremely hard (for me at least).

I haven't seen Mel today, now that I think of it. Well, I've seen her, since we have classes together, but I haven't actually talked to her. She's been with Selene all day. School ended ten minutes ago, I should see if she wants to work together. And I need my blazer from last night back (we're having dinner with my mom's friend on Friday).

"Jay, I'm heading over to Mel's room," I declared, stepping out of my room.

"I'll come," Jay said. "I need help with this math homework."

"Why didn't you just ask me?" I asked.


I rolled my eyes, "Let's go."

Ash followed me out the door and locked it behind us when we left. We both conversed till we got to the dorm. When we did get there and I was about to knock, we heard a scream from inside. A scream, I recognized.

I barged open the door, forgetting to knock, "MEL?! WHAT HAPPENED?! WHY DID YOU-"

That's when I took in the scene, Mel was sitting on the floor, holding her hand to her cheek, and crying. Selene had just walked out of her room to see what had happened. Bree was yelling and screaming at Mel. And Jay was just as mad and confused as I was.

I ran over to Mel and suffocated her with a hug, "What happened, Baby?"

"She- Sh-She- She- She- She-," Mel stammered, trying to catch her breath.

"It's ok, It's ok," I mumbled, stroking her hair. "Is Bree yelling at you because of me?"

Mel nodded.

"Is she just yelling at you, or did she hurt you?" I asked.

"M-M-My cheek," Mel stuttered, crying some more.

"She slapped you in the face?!" I exclaimed. Mel jumped at my sudden outburst but went back to her comfortable spot in my arms. I picked her up bridal style and started to say kind words to her before I finally took in what Bree was saying.

"I was a week late from school, because of my trip to Bora Bora. And this is what I come back to?!" Bree yelled.

"SHUT THE HELL UP BREE!" I yelled back at her.

"UGH! I'm leaving!" Bree exclaimed.

"OH, NO YOU'RE NOT. YOU'RE GOING TO SIT YOUR BRATTY BUTT DOWN ON THAT COUCH AND EXPLAIN WHY YOU'RE SUCH A PAIN IN THE BUTT! AND WHY YOU'RE OBSESSED WITH ACE!" Selene yelled, ushering Bree and Jay to the couch while I carried Mel to her bed. I placed Mel, who was still crying, on her bed. I calmed her down, with help from Percy. I convinced Mel to take a nap after I promised to wake her up in 30 minutes.

"Alright, I'm back," I sighed.

"Good. Now, we can start," Selene grumbled.

I sat next to Selene and crossed my arms, "Ok, so why are you obsessed with me?"

"I'm not obsessed with you," Bree mumbled.

".........Right," Jay nodded.

"Just get on with it," Selene snarled.

"My crush on Ace started a few years ago," Bree started.



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