Chapter Nine

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The best thing about having a sister was that I always had a friend.
- Cali Rae Turner

Claire Bishop

The early hours of the day were pleasant particularly when the sun was about to appear. It was actually cool and calm. Cold wind blowing from everywhere. But with the rise of the sun, the mood of the day changed drastically. The high rays of sunshine fell on the leafs, leaving them hot and shiny. The birds were chirping louder as the air turned very warm.

The temperature for the day was extremely high. It couldn't be avoided even if I wanted to. I felt like if I stepped out of the house, I would turn into ashes instantly.

Currently standing by the window, I looked out and felt the sunshine over my face. Chloe never liked warm weather but I loved it. I didn't get sunburn that easily but I was tanned enough. Chloe was very different from me and I liked it that way. Oh Chloe, that reminded me of my visit to her home yesterday....

The door opened instantly when I rang the doorbell, with my sister standing there with her hands on her hips. At that moment, she looked more like a mom then a sister, more like a principal then a teacher.

Before she could pounce on me with her 101 questions, I side stepped her and walked into her well decorated apartment. "Hey, where's Luke and Carrie? It's been a while since I met them."

Chloe closed the door, the only door to my escape and turned around with narrowing eyes. "They went out with Brandon."

I gulped. "So..we are alone?"


Oh, there went my distraction. I was hoping to fore long our conversation about my engagement but since we were alone already, there was no way I could escape the confrontation now. I was also hoping Brandon and the kids would be home so that when Chloe gets extremely mad, Brandon would defend me like the amazing brother he was and if Brandon turned out to be too afraid of Chloe at that moment, I could've used my nephew and niece as a leverage. Yes, I would go that far to escape Chloe's rage. She could be...difficult when she gets mad. But now, I must put on my big girl panties and just get over with it.

The voice of my sister brought me back to the current situation. "Are you done yet?"

At instance, I jolted out of my thoughts. "Huh?" When she raised her eyebrows, I knew she was talking about my inward conversation that I always tend to had. I just tilt up my lips to give her a small smile but she was still giving me the stink eyes and I knew she might be waiting for me to start the explanation. Oh well, here goes nothing. I sighed and turned around to avoid looking at her eyes, and took a seat at the couch. "Fine, ask me whatever you want."

The low sound of Chloe's footsteps reached my ear, so I leaned my head back to look at where she was going. She was walking toward her kitchen and said over her shoulder at me. "Firstly, do you want something to drink?"

"Yes, please. I'm thirsty!" I replied. This was Chloe. She had many sides of her. She really wasn't that bad. She just wanted to watch over me. She felt like as she was the elder sister, she needed to protect me and I just let her.

I heard Chloe shout from her kitchen. "Claire, you can start with how you met a rich businessman with your waitressing job? I don't think a man like Tyler Sanders would just walk into your small diner casually and find you? Right?" Her voice was nearer so I looked over at the entrance of the kitchen and her head popped out of the kitchen doorway. "No offence about your job though!" Then her head disappeared into the kitchen again.

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