Chapter 21!

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Yuzu’z POV:

I experience pain everywhere. Himeko and Harumin are here with me to reassure me that we can find Mei sooner. But Rudolfa is uncontrollable.

All of a sudden I felt so much pain in my body and Rudolfa screamed, “Our Mate is getting hurt. We need to save her”. All I could do was cry with her. We don't know who would have abducted mei. Mei's dad caught some Rogues but we couldn't find any answers.

I need time alone, so I came out into the forest to the nearby lake where I was found by Mei's pack. I sat under the tree trying to figure out how to save Mei.

Suddenly I saw a wolf approaching me that looked very familiar, and when it approached me, it turned out to be in the human form. This is Crena.

"Crena, what are you doing here?" I said. I noticed a smile in the corner, which means she knew where Mei was.

"I assume you should have the answer now, why am I here?" she laughed. I was so angry and Rudolfa was trying to take me, but she said, "If you want your partner to live, don't try to do anything to me. Follow me and I will lead you,' she said. I got nothing to lose now, so I decided to go with her in the hope of seeing Mei.

Mei’s POV:

Mom... is that my mom? I learned that she passed away when I was young. But why is she here? Those thoughts drive me insane. What does she want from super wolf. She has left me for power and authority. Didn’t she love me?  My dad always told me how much she loved me. But now…

While I was thinking, the same woman, whom I assume to be my mother, arrived.

"I see you awake." She's grinning.

"Mom... how come you're doing this for me? Am I not your daughter?" , I begged her.

“My daughter... my daughter", she had an evil smile in her face.  "That foolish woman you call your mother is dead. A helpless woman...

I got angry when she told my mom as stupid and if she is not my mom, who is this lady. She looked just like my mum.

“You know Mei…. Your mom and I were looking into SuperWolves details because we were told they were dangerous to us. Therefore, we decided to do research on them and get every detail to kill them. But, you know, your mother. that useless woman.. fell in love with your father who is her mate. She left everything behind. II wasn't thinking much of her then.But suddenly, she was back looking for all the details about SuperWolves. I tried to obtain details from her, but she is .. you know.. stubborn.. not to let anything out of her mouth. I followed her and found out that she gave birth to you and you... a Super Wolf. What more I can ask for? I asked her to give you to me. But she said no...You know... I killed her with my own hands," she giggled.. "But she went out of her way to protect you." We couldn’t find your mate at the start, so we waited watching over you when Yuzu came into picture….”

I cried a lot when she said she murdered my mom. "Who are you?" I quizzed with anger.

"You are interested in who I am, Mei?" My wonderful niece...", she still had this evil smile, "I'm your mother's twin, Annie, one of life's greatest vampires."

I was in total shock now and I started feeling dizzy again as I saw her put the anesthetic in my nose.

“That's enough for today Mei, "She said and walked away from the room.

All I could do was whisper, "Yuzu... come quickly," but part of me doesn't want Yuzu to come here and get trapped.

*To be continued*

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