Part 9

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Sixty Part 9

"Is It over, all ready?'

"Aw, man!" Wrecker groaned

As the group started to take off their helmets to commend each other on their work, as I needed to breathe, I lifted my helmet a smudge as I took in a few deep breaths and put it back in place

"Not bad. For a reg." Hunter commends as Rex took off his helmet as Hunter push Rex and Tech meanwhile went to the chair and started to work his magic on their system

"All right, there it is. The Cyber Center" Captain Rex said

"It looks like the Cyber Center itself has Minimal guards, about 30 droids," Tech informed everyone as I looked over his shoulder to get a better look at the screen
"Wait, Wait. I've got a massive signal coming in. A whole Platoon of droids is headed this way."

Hunter stepped forward "Someone's noticed our handiwork back at the crash site." Hunter said

"Yeah, Make sure you keep an eye on those incoming separatist forces" Rex commanded
"I want to know when they reach this outpost."

Tech typed on his little keyboard on his wrist 'You got it cap"

"We gotta move swiftly," Rex said

Hunter motioned to the speeder bikes that were chilling in the back "we'll grab some speeder bikes and flank them from the back

We walked outside and got on the speeder bikes and started to head to the cyber center as I heard the Regs whispers about me to their Captain

"Rex, we got suspensions about Sixty. He does not take off his helmet to confirm that it is him and the others act like it is a normal day" Said the One with the Tattoo

I rolled my eyes under my helmet as they continued to whisper about me for the rest of the ride


We Arrived at the Cyber Center and quickly jumped off our bikes and slid down the hill with a trail of dust following us as we snuck up behind the droids crouching and then we ran at them

"Do you know what's going on?" Question one of the droids
"Maybe it's another Drill..." said the other droid as we took them down silently and shot them for good measures and I crouch down behind the bushes and made my way to my spot with my guns ready

"Is everyone in position?" Questioned Captain Rex



"Yes sir" I said

"Cap, you wanted to know when those separatist forces breached the outpost." Said Tech
"Well, they're getting there just about now"

And then we started to move in, and I shoot droid after droid as they rushed away as Wrecker and Tech worked on the door and The Batch moved in while I stayed behind a bit guarding the door as a few seconds passed I got bored and rushed in to join the fight shooting droid after

and then went into the control room as I saw Wrecker and Hunter move out and I went to go and help Tech

A few minutes later, Rex came in and took off his helmet

"Alright we are in, what are we looking for?" questioned Tech

"Here is the Algorithm. You're looking for a program using this sequence."
Tech plugged in the chip as he started to hack it 

I stood there for a second trying to hear what was going on outside. as I heard Techs fingers on the keyboard and I focused harder as I heard a huge thing of droids coming as I got my head out of my thoughts and back in the grey control room

"Tech type faster" I said before I went back to typing myself

Tech was  typing away as I just sat there feeling useless in this situation a few seconds later Tech perked up

"Found it, this is strange. It's not a program. It's an alive signal from another planet... Skako Minor."

Rex looked in disbelief "A live signal?"
"Strange, maybe a traitor?" I questioned

"No none of the clones will betray the republic. Remember the chips Sixty" Tech said
"Ooh right"

Tech looked into it more as a strange voice came out "What is that"
"It sounds ... almost human."

Rex looked deep in thought as listening to the sounds

"It can't be... Tech, find out who's sending that signal. Ask who that is." Rex commanded
leaning forward, Tech went to typing as he looked back up as the thing began to talk

"CT-1409." the thing answered "CT-1409" it repeated
As Rex looked in shock "I don't believe it"

Tech picked up his device

"Ct-1409" the thing kept on repeating

As I got more annoyed by the minute as the other group started to back up to the door and I ran out to help them get out my guns while finding a target to aim at

"Rex lets go," Hunter said while shooting

As Rex did not move. stood their frozen as he just heard a ghost


Rex put back on his helmet and ran out as we ran outside shooting Droid by droid, I got my assault rifle and shot crazy at the droids as a ride came down to us

We hopped on while shooting as we started to go up and fly away, I leaned back in my seat waiting for our arrival back to our lines as we flew through the forest of the flower trees, and I dazed off into a light slumber

No one POV

"Yes honey?" the Worker turns towards an 8-year-old

The 8-year-old stood there drenched in a red liquid which seemed to be blood

The worker went on her com signaling for help as the girl stood there in the white hallway but with blood on the ground from where she walked, she has never seen this much red in her life and wondered what the strange red liquid was from 

"What, what happened?" The girl asked herself before she grasped her ears in pain. and started to cry

End Of Bad Batch

Next Episode: A Distant Echo

Word Count:1001

authors notes

I know that I have been repeating 

It's the same scene over and over but it was already written 
before I checked the earlier chapters but don't worry I'll move on
from it now.

updates are late Monday early Tuesday

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