Twenty Six - "Is he avoiding me?"

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Chapter Twenty Six

Pia's POV

After I was busted with my disguise, I seldom saw Kristov Stavrakos. He was always not in the mansion, going too early without breakfast and coming home late at night.

Why do I have a feeling he was avoiding me?

Whenever he was home, I'd get so nervous. I became so aware of him, and edgy that anytime I would bump into him in the hall, in the garden or any part of the estate.

The tension was overwhelming, especially meeting him for the first time after last Friday dinner. It happened on Wednesday morning when I served him his breakfast.

I was not in disguise anymore. I fixed myself, by tying my hair in a ponytail to keep it away from my face. I wore a thin natural powder, with a little cheek and lip tint. I got rid of the black rimmed eyeglasses, and the loose black uniform. Jean gave me a smaller size maid's uniform that fitted me perfectly.

He was already seated behind the breakfast table, sipping the coffee that Jean served him. He looked so hot and handsome with his usual gray business suit, and white shirt. His face was so fresh and clean after a shave and his dark hair glistened from the shower.

"Good morning, Mr. Stavrakos," I greeted him, and he answered with a nod.

He did not even bother to glance at me, and completely ignored me. He was engrossed with his tablet, reading the latest news.

I did not understand why his cold attitude affected me. I was hoping that at least he would be friendly. I admit I missed our little talks and banter.

Stupid. I said to myself. Why would I expect friendliness from him, when I rejected him again and again? I surely hurt his ego so badly, and he was the type of man who would not take a rejection kindly.

"Do you want anything, sir?" I asked, hoping to initiate a conversation.

"No. You may leave now," he dismissed me right away.

The more I refused to admit my attraction for him, the more it grew. It was scaring me, and I did not like it. I knew that it was only lust and would not last, compared to the deep feeling I have for Jacob which I considered genuine love.

Speaking of Jacob, I barely thought of him lately. He never appeared in my dreams anymore. Instead, it was Kristov Stavrakos who often occupied my mind. He made me feel things that I haven't experienced with Jacob, and I hate that it intensified everyday.

Friday afternoon, Jean and Tess were busy preparing dinner at the mansion's kitchen.

"You're cooking for two?" I asked Jean.

"That's right. The master is having dinner with Miss Ramona Vega."

"Ramona Vega?"

It was Tess who answered, "she's his late brother's fiancee. She's also the executive secretary of his father."

"I see. So it's a business dinner?"

"Hmm... I don't think so," Jean's eyebrows raised, "Pablo Stavrakos doesn't hide the fact that he wants his son to marry Miss Vega. And I heard that Miss Vega does not oppose his idea."

"That sounds weird for the master, assuming his brother's fiancee."

"Exactly. But his father adores Miss Vega, and treats her like his own daughter."

"I see. It seems like the master approves of his father's idea too."

"He actually doesn't. But now... I have a feeling that your rejection opened his mind," Tess said and it made me wonder how easily he diverted his attention to another woman.

Before seven in the evening, Miss Ramona Vega arrived. She looked so stunning and gorgeous like a Hollywood star, in her red satin dress, with matching red stilettos. I showed her to the living room, where she waited for the master to come down.

"You're young! Isn't Kristov hires only middle-aged maids?" her eyes studied me from head to foot.

"You're right," I answered, "I'm here as a reliever for my aunt, for two months. Her arm got injured and she's still recovering right now."

"Are you sure?" her expression was suspicious, doubting what I said, "or are you just like the other young maids, who wants to seduce him? You won't succeed girl, he's not into dumb gold diggers."

Before I could answer her, her eyes diverted to someone behind me.

"Kristov!" her smile widened, "You're so bad, you have me wait for ten minutes."

"I'm always on time, you just arrived too early."

She waved her hand, then turned to me, "get me a glass of red wine, dear. Hurry."

"No, I'll get your wine," the master said, then held my eyes briefly.

"You're so sweet, Kristov. Thank you."

Tess and I served their dinner. Everytime we entered the dining room, the master and Ramona Vega were so engrossed with each other, talking and smiling, I could not help but notice how Ramona Vega's hand always touched the master's arm and flirted with him.

Looking at them kinda upset me. First, Miss Vega calling me a dumb gold digger, and accused me of working here to seduce the master. Then the master's easy diversion to another woman, it justified that he was not really into me.

Well, they suited each other, and I did not want to be distracted by them. What they do is none of my business.

But before I went to bed, I was so bothered. Kristov Stavrakos was always in my mind.

Why is this happening to me? Why am I thinking of him? Am I jealous of him and Ramona Vega?

I took the picture frame of Jacob and stared at him. Then on impulse, I took my phone and called a number.

"Pia?" A male voice answered.

"I know I shouldn't be calling you, but I just want to hear your voice," I said to the person at the other line.

There was a pause, then he answered, "I'm with Angela right now. I don't want her to get mad at me."

"It's alright. I don't want you and your girlfriend to fight either," I answered, with a broken voice.

"Thanks for understanding," he said, and I heard him sighed heavily, "bye, Pia."

"Bye Jacob."

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