Chapter Seven: Yearning for Disregard

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          Trying to wrap your head around dead people walking was one thing, but standing by and watching some old, helpless man get stomped to death while nobody does anything but observe is another thing. For once, Ryder agreed with the junkie who had outlashed. The scene was messed up in ten different languages, front and back, all around. Everybody knew it. Everybody saw it that way. Many denied it, though Ryder found himself incapable of denying such a gruesome scene.

      How could people just pretend that never happened? Ryder thought. How is anyone okay with this? It was racking inside him as he made his way down the hall. He kept his head hung low, for whenever he lifted his head, he could still see the look on the patient's face while he got violently crushed to death under the foot of the beast. Blood was trickling down the corner of his mouth. His eyes were large and bloodshot red, begging for help from guards and the two doctors observing. It made his heart drop down past his ribs and get fried in the acid in his stomach.

      He picked up his pace, determined to get as far from the testing room as possible. He walked past idle guards who were talking behind their helmets, though neither paid mind to the disturbed figure. He was quick to turn down the hall where his office was located, though it was not far from the infected tanks. He paused at the start of the hall, slowly turning his head to gaze upon all its neon green, glowing beauty and death.

      A thought struck his head that made him venture further down the hall. He carefully scanned around for one infected in particular; The one he had locked eyes with, the abnormally large one with tumors painted all over its body. When he approached this said infected's tank, they once again locked eyes. The creature's cold, empty stare sent shivers down the doctor's spine. The creature pressed closer to the glass, studying the man's face. Ryder cautiously gazed down the hall the way he came, making sure nobody was spying on him. What would people think if they saw him with the dead? Would he be deemed to be no better than Dennis and his extreme fascination with reanimation? He averted his gaze back up to the infected and held his gaze. It tried to level itself with the man, wanting to be face to face. To Ryder, it was no mystery that this creature had the ability to smash right out of there whenever it pleased, but whether or not it recognized this power was another story.

      Ryder swallowed hard and broke the gaze by lowering his head. It tilted his head, continuing to watch and stare. Ryder tried to avoid acknowledging it's horrifyingly creepy gaze. It's eyes and soul were empty, nothing more than a black, endless void. And yet it continued to stare. It's small, blue veiny lips not moving in any indication of screams or growls. It's prominent cheekbones and ribcage only reminded the doctor of Richard. He couldn't stand to stare at it anymore. He quickly spun around and hurried down the hall the way he came, blinking away tears. The creature lifted it's head and pressed even closer to the glass to watch the nicely suited man zip.

      With his heart beating rapidly in his chest, Ryder made his way down a far friendlier hallway that brought him to his office. He passed other closed doors that had similar labelled plates on them. His read; "Doctor Ryder Ray." Upon approaching this door, he found it ajar. A skeptical look crossed his face and he stepped closer, pushing the door open gradually with a low growl.

      He saw the flash of a turquoise and hot pink figure duck down behind his desk, small strands of dirty blond hair sticking straight up from the other side. Ryder took a slow step inside, narrowing his eyes at the figure hiding. He let out an annoyed sigh and gradually crept over, standing on his toes to look over the side of the desk at a not-so sneaky Chris. He lifted his head and lowered his shades to meet his gaze, a sheepish smile growing on his lips. Ryder shot him a disapproving look.

   "Heeyyyyy, RyRy..." Chris purred.

   "What're you doing here?" Ryder hissed, leaning away so Chris could stand. Chris dusted himself off and gazed around the room for an excuse while dramatically extending his arms out.

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