Chapter Twenty Nine: Road trip

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By the end of the week with Morgan, both Mary and Erica had a brilliant idea to mash our yearly road trip together with a bonding trip with my new girlfriend.

That still felt so odd to say.

Erica rent the camper van and we loaded it up for a week long trip down the coast, travelling from Oregon to Arizona. We would quite literally drop Morgan off to her door. It would give Morgan and I an extra week together, but also it meant I could share Mary and Erica with her, and have them get to love her too. Morgan and I would stay in hotels en route, so that we could still get our alone time. By day we would travel and sightsee, and it was wonderful, we hiked, enjoyed tourist spots, meals out by night, and we had evenings by the camp fire before we all retired for the night. Erica had attached their little car to the back of the camper, so we could dump the giant camper and head off in the car when needed.

"I really really like her for you" Mary confessed, as we walked side by side across the campsite where we had stopped for the night. Morgan and Erica were sat beside the camp fire, sharing a beer and some stories about baseball. Apparently, Erica used to be in a community league when she was young and living in Pittsburgh. Something I didn't even know about her, not until the two of them starting bonding over baseball, and all that it entailed.

"Me too" I reply, as we head to the small store on site, to grab some supplies.

Mary clutches my arm so that we walk arm in arm "she's gorgeous and funny, and she looks at you like you are the most beautiful creature she's ever seen. Isn't that ...just the best" she swoons, thinking about it "she adores you Willa and I know it's only been weeks, but I think she's a keeper. I can't see her wanting to go home" she returns, looking at the sun dropping through the trees above us.

"I don't want to drop her home either" I confess "can we just turn around and not tell her... take her back to Oregon"

"I'm afraid kidnapping this girl isn't an option. I'm pretty sure she would go willingly though, at this point. No handcuffs required" and she winks at me teasingly.

"It wasn't my best moment, falling for a girl who lives so far away, and getting so attached so quickly. I didn't really consider that we would be long distance... but it's not like I've not been long distance from someone I've loved before" I confess.

"Alberta" Mary acknowledges.

I glance sideways at her, unsure how she knew that. She senses my reaction and pats my arm as we step up onto the store steps to enter. "You didn't have to say Willa, it's kind of obvious to me. She's so much like her mama, Helena, and if she had the same spirit and fire about her, then I know how easy it is to fall for a girl like that"

"Its complicated" i reply.

She looks to me sympathetically "isn't it always"

I go to open the door to the store, but she stops me. "This thing with Alberta... is it one sided. Do you still feel it" she questions "are you in love with her Willa"

I shake my head "Mary, Allie is my best friend in the entire world... I love her fiercely, and I always will, but is it currently burning away? Am I still feeling like I need to be with her or I should die?! Is the idea of her and Ben being married ruining my every day still?! No... no six years have most definitely stilled that little voice... So don't worry... Morgan isn't second choice or a consolation prize... she is everything. I will give her my heart without a doubt, in fact, she's about to take it home to Arizona with her"

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