59 | At Last

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Chapter 59 : At Last

Months after my fainting incident life had slowly but surely gotten back to normal. I was 2 weeks away from my due date and trying to prepare as best as I could to be bringing home a newborn.

I think feeling her every day and seeing how huge I'd gotten had finally made it feel more real. I was like actually becoming a mom, this wasn't a drill.

I smiled and rubbed my tummy, I was actually really excited.

"Here you go baby, breakfast," Omar smiled, placing down a plate full of my favorites.

"Mmm, this is all I've been wanting lately," I sighed, taking a bite out of one of the crispy pieces of bacon on my plate.

"I've cooked it for you all week, I know," he laughed.

In the beginning of my pregnancy I'd been so sick all I craved was sleep, but now that I was near the end all I wanted was breakfast. Even if it was 2pm.

Suddenly the doorbell rang but before I could get to it Omar had flew over to it and flung it open. My younger sister Melody and my mom walked in and made their way towards me.

"Sis you're about to pop, like today!," Melody exclaimed, plopping down next to me on the couch.

"Oh no ma'am, two more weeks," I replied, continuing to stuff my face with chocolate chip pancakes.

"That's what she thinks but the doctor thinks differently," Omar chimed in.

I looked at him and widened my eyes giving him a glare. I hadn't wanted my mom or anyone else to know that my doctor had predicted an early arrival, truthfully I hoped she was wrong.

"What do you mean? How soon?," my mom asked, she squinted at me.

"Uh, well. My appointment last week she mentioned me being 2cm dilated, but she said some women dilate early and still go the full 40 weeks," I replied.

"Have you had any pain?"

"A little. At night. I just have Omar rub my back and stomach and it goes away though."

"Please tell me you have your hospital bag packed Faith," my mom sighed.

"Yes mom, her nursery is all ready as well. I just want her to bake a little more, she was only 6 pounds last week."

"She's already full-term baby she will be just fine, you were only 6 pounds when I brung you into the world, you turned out just fine," my mom said, moving one of my braids behind my ear.

I smiled, "I know mom. I'm just nervous."

"You're going to always be nervous, that's motherhood, but you're going to be an outstanding mother."

I felt a feeling of relief move over me as those words left her mouth. It suddenly made me feel more confident, which was what I needed.

I finished up my breakfast and handed Omar my plate.

"So I was thinking we go to the beach, get some fresh air and sunlight," Melody announced.

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