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Destroy His Delusions and Wishful Thinking

Moon Bay is an east-west grand canyon, but its center is not as simple as walking 90 kilometers from the east or 90 kilometers from the west. According to geographic surveying and mapping, its center is at 121.2943 degrees east longitude and 31.1430 degrees north latitude in the northern hemisphere of B612. The location, no matter which entry point you walk past, there is not much cheap to take.

According to Ryan's calculation, who had done a lot of work in the early stage, entering from the 13th entry point is the optimal path. Now they are standing in the center of Moon Bay, and seeing the big plastic basket standing in the center, Ryan suspects that it was moved from the kitchen, because he has seen three or four tons of cauliflower in such a basket in the kitchen...

In front of the basket, Cage from the second squad of the Mecha Combat Team stood there with arms folded. Three meters away from Cage, Sera, like a porcelain doll that could be broken at any time, was sitting on the cliff. He didn't understand the weirdness in the eyes of Derrick's four people. He just felt that the joy on Ryan's face was very dazzling. .

Sierra looked at Ryan mockingly, and said to Cage, "Cage, you didn't say that Ryan couldn't get through ten rounds under your hands."

Cage, who is 1.97 meters tall and half a head taller than Ryan, suppressed the irritability in his heart and looked at Ryan who was rumored to be short and small. Ryan was not skinny. On the contrary, he was a tall and well-proportioned young man. Probably because of his oriental blood, him with black hair looked younger than his actual age.

Cage and Sierra have been in the center of Moon Bay for more than six days. Sierra's body can't stand the low temperature of the ice grassland, but he insists that he doesn't want to leave the grassland. He wants to go to the center of Moon Bay and listen to everyone who comes. 

The people who came here talked about Ryan's tragic state, so he seemed to have seen with his own eyes the miserable appearance of Ryan being pressed to the ground and being beaten countless times. Every time he thought of this scene, Sera would be hyperactive, and an abnormal expression appeared on his face. Thin red.

Sierra was ill. Before the second sunset of the competition, his body temperature began to rise. He is not a warrior, and he is not suitable for coming to the icy grassland with harsh climate, and he should not come to Moon Bay.

Sierra urged, "Cage do it, kill him, kill him!"

"According to the military code on the Xingtian Ship, those who kill their comrades will be sent to a military court." Auston said in a deep voice, he was not fighting for Ryan, but warned Sierra, don't make mistakes, and work together. For six years' sake, he didn't want to see Sierra making mistakes again and again.

Sierra swept the soldier holding a bunch of moonlight roses with contempt. The color of the flowers was too dazzling. He looked away at Ryan in disgust. He stuck out his tongue and licked his chapped lips, itching in his throat. , but he refrained from coughing, "It turns out that Ryan came here all the way relying on his teammates. It's really amazing. Cage, don't start too hard, haha, give him a treat."

Cage was not as relaxed as Serra thought. His heart kept sinking. The sultry bottom couldn't make him feel warm at all. He felt cold behind his back. Sera is a specialist in mecha repairing and manufacturing, and doesn't know what it means for the first team to enter the center.

This means that the team's compatibility is very strong. The team members make up for each other's shortcomings and cooperate tacitly. They are invincible and invincible all the way. There is definitely no one person who is the shortcoming of this team.

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