Chapter Ten

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She knew that inviting Kaden inside would be a mistake. That entire night, Ben wouldn't shut up about Skylar's new boyfriend, (followed by irritating smooch faces), and Lena wouldn't stop asking about the next time he was coming over. "Never" was Skylar's response.

"When will he teach me lacrosse again?"

"When is he going to take you out on the next date?"

"When is he going to kiss you?"

And Skylar always answered "never."

She waited until both her siblings were asleep before taking the laptop to her bed. In the dark, with the screen's brightness turned all the way down, she stared at the new document she started. All she had were hand-written notes, but she hadn't actually transferred any of those ideas into digital form. The cursor blinked back at her, teasing, waiting, the empty document growing impossibly more blank, but nothing came. How was that possible? Kaden took her to dinner and a movie, both classic first date festivities. He opened the door and paid for her and complimented her appearance and did everything right.

Frustrated, she slammed the laptop shut and tried to go to bed. Of course, she ignored the golden rule of never going to bed mad. Because of that, she tossed and turned all night.

* * *

Her bad mood only soured as the school day dragged on. Finally, by the time lunch rolled around, she felt like a fragile twig. One word and she'd snap.

She strolled out of her second period class with quick strides, completely missing Kaden. As she passed him, he tugged on the strap of her backpack, which caused her to falter a bit. "You may need to get your eyes checked, Lin. That's twice you've walked by me now."

Skylar knew people who yelled when they were having a bad day. But not her. She stayed silent. Or cried. So, she bit her tongue and yanked on the door that led outside. Throwing her bag to the ground, she thrust her head into her hands.

"Hey." She felt Kaden's presence slipping into the seat beside her. "Lin? Are you okay?" God. Those were the worst three words to ever ask somebody who was clearly not okay. Did he not know that by now?

Face still in her palm, she felt him gently shake her shoulder. "Lin. Talk to me. Did something happen? Did Summer say something to you?" After a beat, his voice turned deadly. "Was it Adrian? Did that prick do something again?"

Skylar peeked through the cracks of her fingers to find Kaden whipping his head around, as if getting ready to fight him right here and now. "No. I haven't even seen him since that day in the cafeteria."

"Then what happened?"

She sighed. "Yesterday didn't work."

"Yesterday...?" He wrinkled his nose. "Our date? Is that what you're referring to?"

"Yes. I thought it would help with my short story. But after you left, I sat at my laptop for half an hour. Nothing clicked." Her shoulders sagged down with weight. "I have nothing for my short story. The deadline is next month. If I don't submit it by then, I won't get a chance to win. And if I don't get that scholarship money, I won't be able to pay for tuition and then I'll be broke and working for my mother forever-"

"Woah, woah, okay, stop for a second. Breathe. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. You're a bright girl. One missed scholarship isn't the end of the world."

"No, I know, I just... that money would really help, Kaden."

"Why don't you get a job?"

"I have a job. At the store. My mother needs all the help she can get."

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