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Sun rays shined through the window from the streaks where the curtains weren't covering. They shined straight at the couple, on the bed, who was dead asleep from last nights events.

Feeling the sun rays on her face, Nandini stirred in her sleep. Nandini shifted closer to the warmth surrounding her and snuggled even closer to it, trying to hide from the sun rays. Slowly, Nandini was getting her conscious back. Her brain started working and the first thing she thought of was: what the hell am I snuggling into.

Nandini partiality opened her eyes and saw a blurry image in front of her. The headache she was having wasn't helping at all. Blinking a couple of times, Nandini looked over and her eyes widened. Her breathing escalated and the headache she was having turned worse.

Nandini stared at Armaan's sleeping face, horrified. She wasn't horrified by his face, not at all, she was horrified by how close she was to him. Her head rested on his chest and their faces were only a few inches away. She then realized it was Armaan's arm which was lazily lying on top of her stomach but it wasn't him, it was her who clung onto him like a koala.

Nandini tried to think about how she reached here. The last thing she remembers is going to the business party and watching couples dance. Everything after that was all fuzzy inside her brain. She didn't know anything about what happened afterwards and how she reached here. The more she thought about it, the more her headache worsened.

Nandini wanted to move away but after seeing how peacefully Armaan was asleep, she decided to take a few minutes to stare at the beautifully made man in front of her. She looked at how his hair was all messy yet still looked so good. She looked at every single feature of his face.

Nandini's eyes trailed down from his face, to his neck, to his toned bare chest. Wait! Bare chest!? Did she see that right? Nope, she did see it right. That was definitely Armaan's bare chest which was beautifully toned. The chest which was providing her the warmth.

Nandini's eyes bulged out of her sockets and she immediately looked down at her clothes. Nandini sighed when she saw she was in her normal pjs. It then hit her. She had no memory of changing out of the dress and changing into her night wear. If she hadn't changed herself, then who did?

It then all started to make sense. Armaan's bare chest. Her changed clothes. THEIR CLOSENESS. It could all mean one thing. They...

Nandini loudly shrieked thinking about what had happened and quickly moved as far away she could from Armaan, to the other side of the bed. Armaan, who was peacefully asleep, jerked up after hearing the loud noise.

He sleepily looked over and saw Nandini staring at him with a horrified expression. Thinking something might've had happened, he asked, "What happened? Did you see a ghost or something?" Nandini just started at him with her huge doe eyes, clutching onto the duvet tightly to her chest.

Confused, Armaan shifted closer to her, thinking something was wrong with Nandini, only for her to move back. "Do..don't." Armaan was hella confused at this point and was now getting worried. "What hap-" "St..stay away fro..m me.." Armaan stared at Nandini, getting even more worried. He finally decided to see if she had a fever so he moved his hand closer to her face, to check if she did, but Nandini immediately slapped it away.

Armaan was taken aback by this sudden attack. "You..devil! Wh..at did you do...with me..last night!?" Nandini finally asked. Armaan was still in a muddled state. He didn't understand what Nandini was talking about. "What do you mean?" At this point he thought Nandini had seen a bad dream or something. "You know what..I mean! Last night...you.." "Last night..? What happened last...oh!"

It all came back to Armaan. It all flooded back to his brain about how Nandini had gotten drugged last night, how they had gotten very intimate, how Sunita came and changed her clothes, and how she had snuggled into him. She had forgotten everything. A part of him was glad she did because if she had remembered, it would've been very embarrassing for him. He realized she had woken up and had been very confused to find them in such a close position. Armaan also knew what Nandini was thinking of what had happened last night. Knowing it would be funny to see her reaction, Armaan decided to tease her.

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