Chapter 101

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"Big brother Min, please take good care of yourself okay?"

Han Min was stunned and looked at her in shock, it was the first time she ever calls her Big Brother after the incident.

"I-i will travel again! And while I am not here p-please take good care of yourself okay? I know I am not in the position to worry"

"NO! I am happy that you still cared about me! I promise that I will take good care of myself okay? and you do okay?"

Han Min said shakily, his eyes redden and a tear fell on his cheek

"L-little Xiao I promise you I-I can wait! until your heart can open again! i-i will wait for you! And even in the end you won't choose me,i-i will accept! as long as you are happy! As long as you are alive! That alone can make me happy!"

Qi Xiao bit her lips and tried hard not to cry while nodding her head

"Thank you big brother Min! Thank you!"

Han Min shook his head

"N-no! there is nothing to thank me for! it should be me thanking you!"

Qi Xiao squeeze his hand, cant talk anymore because she know that her tears will fall if she said another word.

After that talk, Han Min visibly recovers, although he still has this nightmare he can finally fight the fear even just for a bit.

It's Qi Xiao's time to leave, she purposely didn't tell her family and friends her flight schedule.

But she messages Han Min when the plane is about to take off

'Brother Min, I am leaving now! please take good care of yourself okay? and don't forget to tell to my family, Yunyun and AhShan okay? thank you!'

Han Min was inside his office when he received his message, he hurriedly dial her number

"Brother Min! The plane is about to take off!"

Han Min's eyes dim breath deeply and said

"Okay, you also take good care of yourself! always be careful! if anything call me okay?"

Qi Xiao giggle

"That is why I didn't want to tell my family and friends about my flight schedule!"

Han Min chuckle

"Okay I won't nag anymore"

Qi Xiao heard the announcement so she hurriedly say her goodbye and then cut off the call.

Han Min stare at his mobile phone for a long while,

He was the only one she informed about her schedule so do they become more closer?

Thinking like this he finally smile again after more than a year now.

Han Min goes to the Qi house and shows Qi Xiao's message.

The Qi couple read the message over and over again and sigh helplessly!

This girl is really!

Her brothers had the same reaction when they found out but Han Yun and Long Shan react differently

"Let's go! we will follow her and give her a taste of my punishment!"

Han Yun said

"Okay, I will book a ticket now!"

Han Min just ignore the two crazy couple and left.

The Qi couple hurriedly stops them so without a choice they only have to wait.

When Qi Xiao arrived at her first stop she accepted a bunch of angry phone calls.

She already expected it so she explain patiently.

The phone calls ended after 3 hours, then she finally read the message from Han Min

'Rest first before you go out

Qi Xiao smile and sent him a nodding emoji then wash up before resting.

Because she took a more than 10 hours flight so she rested very well.

When she woke up it's already morning so she hurriedly wore the clothes suitable for the country's weather.

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