Chapter 53

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How rare!

The quality of the work can only be regarded as above average balloon. With the special melody at the beginning of the work, it can trigger the listeners to imitate and challenge each other

Hot search?

If this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity can't be grasped, Zhao Jue will not be the chief agent of xingmang.

Not a word.

Hold the hot search high first.

Balloon challenge, a spontaneous hot search by passers-by, generally drops fast. But if stars of xingmang also participate in the balloon challenge, it will definitely drive fans of these stars to follow suit and imitate in a wider range, and the hot topic of hot search will naturally rise

The result is the same as Zhao Jue thought.

With the admission of stars, the topic of balloon challenge is really on the rise. More and more people participate in it, making the topic of balloon challenge reach the fifth place!

On the contrary.

On February's new song list, "balloon" successfully advanced to the sixth place on the new song list.

There was a howl in the industry!

February is the group of death. All the major companies have gone to great lengths to make the February list. No one wants to fall behind, so the quality of the songs they produced is extremely high.

But nobody thought of it.

Xingmang wrote the first balloon.

This song is popular among tribes because of the difficulty of singing!

The weird thing about this song is that few people seem to pay attention to whether the song is good or not. They only care about whether they can finish the first paragraph as well as the singer

In terms of quality, "balloon" has no advantage over other songs on the list.

This song can be on fire in February, it really depends on the "balloon challenge" on the hot search!

Of course, it's also related to the Chinese new year, so everyone has been in a hurry recently. If the work is very busy, who has nothing to record this thing?


When Jiang Kui got a call from his agent and learned about his new song, he jumped out of bed in the early morning and changed his tune and howled balloon.

"Hot search, hot search, hot search!"

To calm down, she took out her mobile phone and boarded the tribe, and found the topic of "balloon challenge" on the hot search list.


The feeling of being on the hot search for the first time in my life is a bit subtle for Jiang Kui. Although the main character of the hot search is "balloon" rather than myself, rounding it off means that Jiang Kui is on the hot search himself.

There are many video recommendations under the topic.

Jiang Kui chose one with high evaluation.

This is a video taken by a female anchor. The editing is very careful. The picture put together at the beginning is that the female anchor practices various sports that can improve her vital capacity.

After all these projects.

The female anchor showed her nonexistent muscles to the camera and said to her partner: "are you ready?"

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