Chapter 6: "It Tastes Like Piss"

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The rest of the week went the same, with me partnering up with Connor for projects, and Davis annoying me at every corner. I was so used to it by now, it almost felt normal.


Friday came, and everyone was gearing up for a party. Of course, college meant partying. I knew that. And yet, where was I supposed to go? I wasn't sure, so I just waited for a sign. It came in the form of an inordinate amount of noise in my hallway.

There was a party on our floor. I didn't want to be pathetic and stay in my room like my roommate, Alan, who still had brought no one to our room, not friends, nothing. He just closed himself off in his room, blasting rock metal and obliterating any hearing I had previously had. But I didn't want to just stay in my room. I wanted to meet people who were like me, so maybe... yeah, I would make an effort.

I walked to the party room tentatively. It was on the other end of the corridor. When I reached it, I waited. I don't know what for.

"Roomie," someone said behind me. I jumped.

Of course it was freaking Davis, with that big stupid grin of his.


He gave me a once-over. "Why are you prickling?"

"Excuse me?"

He laughed and looped an arm around my shoulders, heading inside. He seemed perfectly comfortable entering any space, while I really wasn't. "You're like a porcupine. You always prickle when I talk to you."

"Prickle is not a verb."

"Mhmm," he said and headed for the little kitchen. "Beer?"

"Coke," I said.

He lifted an eyebrow and took two beer bottles, handing me one of them. "Try it. If you don't like it, you can tell me to go to hell."

"Go to hell."

He laughed. "See? Prickling."

"D-man," a guy said and high-fived him. The guy was bigger and buffer than Davis, but he had that typical sneering face. You know the one? I immediately disliked him. "Some guys are heading off to Heat after. You coming, right?"

"We'll see," Davis said, smiling.

"Come on, think of all the pussy we're gonna score."

I felt sick. Of course, this is how straight people talked and I wasn't a fan. I really wanted to find a gay friend already. Then I could be myself and be comfortable, even date a little.


I'd never dated.

I blew Charles a few times - my brother's best friend in high school - but that was a mistake, his words not mine. I'd made out with a couple of guys in back alleys. That's it. I was pathetic.

"I'll go if Jamie's going," Davis said easily.

The guy turned to me, like he was seeing me for the first time. He had a little sneer on his face as he scanned my skinny body. I could only imagine what he was seeing - an easy target. "Is that your roommate, D-man?"

"Yes," Davis said.

"No," I said.

The guy laughed. "Okay then. You coming, Jamie?" he asked, no doubt humoring Davis.

I was on the spot. I hated saying no to people.

"Yeah, okay," I muttered.

Davis chuckled. "That's the spirit." He then stepped closer and opened my beer for me, causing me to... yes, okay, prickle.

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