Beach Banger

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*Wade's P.O.V*

"Beach leader one, we are ready to start the movie." Someone said over the walkie talkie

"Go ahead and press play." I said back into the walkie.

I watched as the large projector in front of me came to life, the opening theme to Jaws starting over the speakers.

About 150-200 people were spread out on the beach watching the movie on the projector. Another 15-20 were ordering food from some of the vendors.

All and all the night had gotten off to a smooth start. I smirked to myself looking at the scene before me.

Part of me felt proud, like my dad.

He planned stuff like this all the time and did a great job at it. Everyone always came out happy and had a great time at these events. And here I was, I planned this event, I made the phone calls, the meetings, and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.

It gave me hope that I would eventually take his spot and do just as well.

"This is amazing Wade." I heard a female voice say from behind me.

I turned from looking at the crowd to see Emma standing behind me. Her blonde hair fell just below her shoulders, she was wearing a 'light house grill' sweatshirt and some shorts.

Her appearance to Kaya's was almost identical, other than the obvious signs of sun and aging.

I smiled at her, happy to hear the words she'd just said.

"Thanks." I replied sheepishly, A complement like this was nice coming from Emma.

She just nodded her head as if to say you're welcome and looked at the big movie screen. It was currently playing the opening scene of Jaws.

"Why aren't you at the restaurant?" I suddenly asked.

Emma smiled and let out a small chuckled her eyes still fixed on the movie screen. She crossed her arms over her chest and nodded her head slightly, figuring out how to word what she was about to say.

"We weren't getting any customers with this going on so I let everyone off." She explained, she looked me in the eyes her face calming to look at.

It was familiar, I had after all grown up around her. Though in the past few years it had been rare to have a conversation with her.

Now, after all this time, I looked at her just the same as I looked at my dad. She was a authority figure and a successful business owner. But, she was kind and always there for support. No matter what, I always knew I could turn to her.

"Mom!" I heard Kaya whisper-shout before running up and hugging her mom.

I smiled at the two of them backing up to give them some space, but still staying in the conversation.

"Hey beautiful." Emma said releasing Kaya from the hug.

"This is really great you two, Braxton's gonna be really happy." She stated to Kaya before looking at me.

"Thanks mom" Kaya responded for both of us.

Emma just nodded her head, I instantly walked over to Kaya placing my hand on her lower back before looking at the movie screen once again.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Emma smile to herself.

"Well I'm going to go enjoy the movie, have fun, both of you." Emma winked at me before walking over to an empty blanket.

I shook my head slightly knowing what she was implying with that wink.

Me and Kaya stood next to each other for a moment before either of us said anything, I turned to speak to Kaya but she beat me to it.

"Who was the surfer that was in the no-go zone yesterday?" She asked keeping her eyes on the screen.

I looked at her for just a second. I was kind of shocked.

Is this seriously how it was going to go? It had been a few days since the kiss and we still had yet to talk about it. Or the fact that I'd taken off her bikini top or fallen asleep together on the couch.

A lot had happened in the matter of 3 hours that night, not that I was complaining but we obviously had to talk about what was going on between us.

I had to talk about what was going on between us. Id never felt this way with other girls. I didn't want to just hook up with Kaya, I wanted to call her mine, fall asleep with her every night, see her smile everyday.

"Um it was Cole." I stated finally awnsering her question. he amount of times I'd seen the kid over in the no-go zone was starting to get concerning.

The fact that I knew his name now, meant I'd seen him there enough for him to make an impression on me.

"That little boy?" Kaya asked, I nodded my head yes and she began to look frustrated, "what did you say to him?"

I shrugged my shoulders.

"The normal, you can't surf here, its dangerous, there are rocks. Its called the no-go zone for a reason." Repeating words Kaya had said to me a thousand times.

Kaya nodded her head, saying she approved but her face said 'You see the irony in what you said to him right?'

We again fell into an awkward silence. Neither of us really knowing what to do.

We had to talk about it, I wasn't going to avoid it, I couldn't.

"Kaya, are we gonna talk about..." I trailed off letting her fill it the gaps of words I wasn't saying.

She let out a breath of relief and looked at me, a mix of emotions in her eyes that I couldn't read.

"I want to talk about it I do, but not at work." She stated, I could tell she was nervous about something.

The way she fiddled with her fingers and avoided eye contact with me told me so.

I got nervous, God what if I over stepped. What if she didn't see me like that?

She looked at me and half smiled.

"Kaya we won't be home till late tonight and you work an early morning." I stated, somewhere along this whole living together thing I memorized her schedule.

She nodded her head.

"I'll be home for lunch, we can talk about it then if you're ok waiting."

I looked at her, unable to awnser. Of course I was ok waiting. Little did I know I'd been waiting for her for years and now I finally had her. One more night I could do.

I nodded my head and looked back to the screen, this event didn't take much on Kaya's end but on mine, it took a lot.

Almost everyday in the office had taken my time to make this happen the way my dad planned it.

"He comes home in a few weeks you know." I stated referring to my father.

"I know. Not sure if I'm ready to leave your house yet though." She said with a smirk.

Somehow that smile put me at ease just looking at her. I should have known there was no what if.

Especially with the way she had kissed me, I had practically memorized the way her lips moved agaisnt mine and the way her bare breast pushed into my chest in the water.

"No one said you had too." I replied giving her a devilish smirk.

This earned a full smile from her and I smiled back before we both turned to look at the movie screen.

I continued to hold Kaya close, enjoying her body heat and the way her body felt against mine.

I was jittery for tomorrow, but happy to be next to Kaya in this moment.

Part of me knew that in less than 24 hours I would be calling her mine.

Words: 1322

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