16. the lotus group

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"do we really have to go?" i groan as i sit in the car backseat as Angelo sat in the passenger seat, Xander sat in the drivers seat, Xavier sat beside me

and in the car behind us were Greyson, Callum and Austin 

"of course, you start school tomorrow and shopping for school supplies is must" Xavier said 

"arghh" i groan and turn out to see the busy streets 

"here we are" Xander announced as we got out soon the three also joined us 

as we enter the mall everyone looks at us/me 

"why are they staring?" Angelo asked 

"i bet on my cookies that they are trying to guess which one of us she is hooking up with" Austin said pointing at me and by the looks of them he was probably right 

"hey, she is your sister, mind your tongue" Greyson said slapping the back of his head 

"he is right, you know that i am your sister and not them, its the duty of the fools to always see something negative and ignore the pure truth" i say 

"ok ok ignore them and lets go shop"  he said and dragged me to some random store 


"here, try this one"  Xavier said giving me a black and red outfit 

i was about to say no when Angelo spoke up 

"wow berry, that will look cool on you" i nod and go into the changing room 

as i strip my old cloths off me i look into the mirror only to be greeted by the numerus scars scattered across my whole body but one of them stood out 

the lotus group tattoo

i immediately recall the past 

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i immediately recall the past 


"so Bella, here is what we are going to do, since you are best of what we train, you will be the leader of the 'lotus' when you are seventeen, of course there is soo much time but this will remind you that no matter where you go, you are bound to be back where you belong" Max says tying me to the table on my stomach 

"please, i don't want to be the leader, please, i just want my twin and me to be free" i beg 

No, now stay still this will hurt" he shouts and starts to draw the cruel symbol of the 'lotus' on my back 


i was just 9 and my fate was bound to be the leader of the most terrifying group of assassins ever made

sighing i zip the back of the dress and walk out of the trail room 

"how do i look?" i ask as the boys stare at me with wide eyes 

"wow, never knew you were so se.. i mean beautiful sister" Austin said as the others nod 

"we are taking that dress " declared Greyson as everyone nods again  


"you are finally home, its already eight, you were out shopping for five hours what the hell were you kids doing?" Isabella started shouting as soon as we enter the house 

"relax mom, not like we were planning to run away, and you know what? Angeline brought dresses, not the boring hoodie and t-shirts pants, she actually brought some dress that a girl should be wearing" Callum exclaimed

"if you don't shut your annoying mouth  right now, i sware to return all those shit you all forced me to buy" i say 

"and here she is, welcome back our old Angeline" Austin muttered 

"i am sleeping don't wake me up for dinner" both Xavier and Xander say at once and go to their room  

"where are dad and Alexzander? also i did not see Alex, Marie And Eva from morning" Angelo said looking around 

"your dad and brother are working, and about Alex, Marie and Eva, they went to amusement park morning, i guess they will enjoy the night there too" Isabella replied 

"its late we should sleep" i say as they both nod and leave 


so i wanted to ask few questions answer as many as you can  

---->do you want Evangeline's love interest to be a girl or boy? 

---->do you want Angelo to be a little?

----->you want it to be a short book (20 ch) or long book (80-90 ch) or an normal (50-60) 

----->what color would you choose if you were to be given a choice of painting the ceiling of your room?

------>do you want the 'black knight' to make an appearance soon or let it be for a while 

----->who is your favorite till now?

please answer them as there are no more drafts ready and i need the answers to continue writing the story 

please voice your thoughts 

don't forget to vote

next update when i have 25+ comments on this chapter 

the book has 54 comments and 326 votes right now so the goal is 100 comments and 500 votes for an double update and any request the readers have 

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