Chapter 49

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I feel like I'm living in a dream. It still doesn't seem real- winning over the woman of my dreams, owning my own rink. It's insane!

My financial team looked over the numbers for Tammy's place before I applied for a loan. They said the income it generated was promising, and if everything worked out, I'd have the building paid off in just a few years. After that, it would be another income stream for me and Mel.

She has no idea, but when the time is right, I fully intend to give her a ring. That's still a ways off, but when it happens, she'll be co-owner of the rink that I just bought. And I'll be able to give back a little more to the woman who has given me everything I ever needed.

Her soft moan draws my eyes to where she's lying, fast asleep on my chest. I can't help but smile as I feel the rise and fall of her breasts with every relaxed breath she takes. I gently brush her hair out of her face, letting my fingers linger near her lips as I dream of our future together.

Mel's face scrunches at the sound of my alarm. I should get up and get ready to go to practice, but I'm sorely tempted to stay in bed, holding Mel all morning. I'd earn the wrath of Rusty and Coach, but it would be worth it.

As if sensing what I'm considering, Mel smiles. "You need to get ready, Liam. I would hate for my boyfriend to get benched because he was tardy for practice."

Her eyes open as light laughter rumbles through my chest. "You don't think they'd like my excuse? Sorry Coach, my girlfriend was just too sexy, laying naked on top of me. I didn't want to move her."

I laughed louder as Mel glared at me, giving me a playful shoulder slap. "Don't you dare, Liam James Barnett!"

"Ohhh, we're using full names now, are we?" I chuckled, trapping Mel against me as I snuggled close to her ear. "Well, in that case, Melanie Rose Clark, you better be ready later."

She stiffened in my arms. "Ready for what?" She asked in a breathy whisper.

My mouth curled up, grazing the sensitive skin below her ear as I seductively cooed, "Ready for me. I have big plans for us in this bed later." I dipped one hand down her back, teasing her as I grasped her thigh, hitching it over my hip to let her feel my throbbing cock against her lips.

Mel gasped as she felt my stiff member poking against her. Her eyes rolled back, and her back arched, nearly making me cave to my own tease. I only meant to wind her up, but my plan backfired.

My second alarm rang, telling me I now only had ten minutes to get ready. If I'm not in the living room in five, T.J. will start knocking on my door. Not enough time to do what I'd like. Damn!

I sigh, reaching over to shut off my phone. Before stepping out of bed, I nip Mel's ear, rasping, "We'll pick this up tonight."

Her breath shuddered at my words, and as I went to stand, she grabbed the back of my neck and crashed her lips into mine. The kiss was frantic and deep, lasting only a few seconds before she pulled away. "Something to look forward to," she said with hooded eyes.


It's going to be rough practicing with blue balls, but that's something I'll have to live with. I started this game, and Mel just upped the ante.

I quickly dressed, meeting T.J. outside my door just as he was approaching to knock. He looks over my frazzled appearance with a smirk as I try to adjust myself. "You good?" He asks knowingly.

"Never better," I reply, hoping Tay is still in their room. I still have a raging hard-on, and I'd rather not hear more commentary on it than necessary.

T.J. chuckles as we make our way to the door, luckily not running into Taylor as we go. This is going to be a long day.


It's a lazy afternoon as I kick my feet up on the couch, waiting for my competition to pick his game controller back up so we can start the next round. He's smiling to himself as he checks his phone for the hundredth time.

Yep, she's texting him from where ever she is right now. He's such a suck for her.

"Hey, Romeo, we gonna play or what?" I ask, holding up my controller.

He looks up at me, setting his phone down. "Sorry, man. I just can't get enough of her. She's fucking incredible."

I smile, knowing what he means. He meets my gaze, and something changes. "Don't ever let her go, Liam."

My brows furrow as I realize this is a memory and this isn't how it happened. Justin continues, his hazel eyes boring into me, "Make her happy, Li. And promise you'll always take care of her."

I nod my head, barely getting the words out before the dream fades. "I promise, Justin. She's in good hands with me. Always."

Before I wake from my dream, the last thing I see is my best friend's smile as he fades away.

There are tears in my eyes as I wake, realizing it was just a dream. A dream formed from a memory from several years ago. It felt like so much more, though. I look at Mel, cuddled next to me with her hand resting over my heart. I promise to always take care of you and make sure you are happy.

I couldn't fall back asleep, so I watched Mel, thanking the universe that she was in my life. It's hard to believe there was ever a time that I denied what she meant to me. If I'd continued to be so stubborn, I would have missed out on so much.

Mel has shown me how to love with my entire heart. She's made me feel things I never thought possible.

It's crazy to think that I used to be satisfied with the idea of being a bachelor forever, having my greatest accomplishment be my career. Don't get me wrong, I'm still incredibly proud of that, but I see now that it's not the only thing that can bring joy to my world. The second Mel stepped back into my life, everything shifted.

I was a goner when my heart refused to give up on her, and I'm so grateful it didn't. Mel is my greatest dream and the biggest win I've ever received in my life. The love she gives me will always outshine everything else.

She's my dream come true.

I kiss the top of her head, pulling her closer, feeling our hearts beat as one. I smile, knowing the promise I made is a promise I'll never break. For the rest of our lives together, I'll always make sure she's happy, that she feels loved, and that her dreams come true.

I rest my head against hers as I whisper, "I love you, Mel. Now and always."  

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