3 years ago

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"What the hell?" I screamed. I couldn't believe what my eyes just saw. It was Andy and his ex, Natasha on our bed naked.

"Oh hey there honey, welcome home" He said in a sarcastic tone. "Don't use that tone on me Andy." I said angrily

"No! You're the one who's not supposed to use that tone on me." He said angrily while stomping to me, I was confused on what he said. "Andy, What do y-?" He cuts me off "Don't act all innocent to me." He growled.

"After all I did for you, this is how you repay me. By opening your legs to other man and be a whore" He shouted at me. "What? Andy I would never do that to you. How could accuse me of such thing" I asked with my voice breaking and while tears are forming.

"Stop fucking lying and get the fuck out of my house" He said, then he grabbed me by the arms and threw me out. "Wait Andy I'm-" I was cut off by my own scream because I felt a pain in my abdomen and also stumbled to the ground.

Natasha came outside with a trash bag and threw it beside me then she slapped me hard that it would probably leave a mark "Don't come back here you bitch" She screamed while laughing.

The sting from the slap hurts. But what hurts more is that Andy is also laughing. They went back to the house while locking arms with each other then shut the door on me. I tried standing up but because of the pain in my stomach, I couldn't.

I finally gave all my strength and stand up. I picked up the trash bag with all my stuff and walked away from the house that was filled with happy memories.

I walked and walked on the street, I need to get to my parents house, soon I felt dizzy and the pain in my stomach hurts more and more. My eyes are starting to droop and the way I walk is like a zigzag. Suddenly everything turned black.


I felt pain everywhere in my body. I opened my eyes and squint due to how bright the light. When I fully opened them, I realized I'm in a hospital bed and then there was my parents and my younger brother, Austin.

"Oh thank god, you're awake" My mom expressed worriedly and hugged me. "What happened?" I asked.

"You passed out in the street. Good thing a passerby saw you." My dad said.

"We were worried when the hospital called us, sis." Austin asked.

A Doctor came in with a clipboard "Well everything checked out and you seem to be fine" the doctor said. My family sighed in relief and then I thought of someone.

"What about my baby?" I asked making my family looked at me shocked.

The doctor face suddenly dropped. "We did everything we can to save your baby, but unfortunately you had a miscarriage." The doctor announced sadly.

It felt like the whole world stop. My baby is gone, I lost my baby. I shook my head vigorously. "No No No, you're lying" I said while hyperventilating.

"I'm sorry m-" I cut him off. "I don't need your pity. I want you to tell me that my baby is ok." I screamed

"Faith" My father said trying to calm me down. "No Dad, tell him to stop joking and tell me my baby is ok". I said.

At this point I'm full on crying. "There's nothing they can do sweetheart." My mother said.

"No, I went to the doctor 2 days ago and he said that the baby and me are perfectly fine so tell him to stop joking." I said.

I tried to stand up but was hold down by my family. "Faith, please calm down." Austin said.

"Get the sedate" The doctor yelled

"Let me go" I screamed like a banshee. A nurse gave the doctor a syringe filled with liquid and the doctor punctured it to the veins in my arm.

My eyes was starting to feel droopy again and the tears just keep streaming more and more. Soon the darkness engulfs me again.

Hey everyone, so this is my first story ever. I saw many billionaire ex wife books and I decided to make one.

In my story, I think I would like to make it like some sort of sad story because usually I love those type of stories.

Also english isn't my first language but I will try my best to make this story finish.

I'm pretty sure there will be lots of cliffhanger. I'm so sorry but I'm just busy with school and lessons.

And sorry if it's short

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