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It's been hours since the group separated and tried to find any sign of humanity on the obviously deserted place. Alana strutted after the group, her entire body feeling completely exhausted while Kirin walked around as if it was a fucking marathon.

"Shouldn't we just go back?"
The girl stopped walking to catch her breath, resting her elbows on her knees while the other turned around to look at her, surprised to hear her speak after being on silence mode for the entire time.
"I mean, it's not like we're gonna find anything."

"We'll find something alright."
Kirin answered, desperately trying to succes his mission.

"No, we won't."
She stubbornly replied, receiving an eye roll from the boy in front of her.

"Look, I don't love agreeing with fucking testosterone Jones over here, but I do think we'll find something."
Scotty added in.
"I mean, it's like I was saying; we're probably bout to roll up on some sick architect's digest type house, you know, that's owned by some billionaire or something."

"God let's hope not."
Alana sighed as she continued to pace behind the others.

"What? Why not?"
Bo asked clueless.

"As if some rich white guy is going to save us."
Alana scoffed.

"Yeah, probably not."
Scotty nodded in agreement.

Scotty ended up rambling on how he imagines the rich white guy would hold them hostage and turn Alana into his sex-slave, to which the girl zoned out off, not wanting to hear the rest of the gruesome story the boy made up.

"Oh my god can you please just put a fucking lip on it and start actually looking out for shit?"
Kirin stopped walking and turned around and looked at Scotty in annoyance.

"Lid.It's 'put a lid on it.'"
Alana corrected him softly, regretting it the minute the words left her mouth.

Kirin rolled his eyes.
"Let's just go back then, losers. After I take a piss though."

"And stop talking about how the only girl on this island should be the sex slave, that shit's fucked up."
Kirin pointed towards Scotty while walking of to a private spot to do his business.

After all three of the boys emptied their blathers, the group made their way back to their 'camp' to hopefully receive good news from the others.

As usual, Kirin walked up front as the rest followed behind him. Alana picked up her pace, jogging for a bit to join him, letting out a breath when she finally made it next to him.
The blonde stared down at her, confused as to why she suddenly decided to walk next to him.

"Thanks for telling Scotty to shut up about the sex-slave thing."
She told him, making actual eye contact with him for the first time that day, noticing the warmth that was hidden in his green eyes.

"I didn't do it for you, just thought it was gross."
He turned away from her, not liking the way his body reacted when he looked into her eyes.

"Well, thanks either way."
She smiled kindly, to which he couldn't help but smile back, but quickly covering it up with a cough.

"So uh, were you ever planning on explaining where the fuck you came from?"
Kirin asked, still confused on how she ended up on the same plane crash as him when she wasn't on the plane.

"I uh, was supposed to go to this same retreat, but for girls."
She explained, fidgeting with the sleeves of her sweater.
"But I missed my flight, so they made me join yours. I just wasn't allowed in the same room as you."

Kirin nodded, understanding her story somewhat better now.
"Imagine if you hadn't missed your flight."

Alana scoffed, hating the idea that she could've prevented all of this if she just hadn't been so fucking stubborn for once.
"I'd be in Hawaii right now, making friends with a ton of girls."

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2022 ⏰

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