Q&A (15)

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This does not go along with the (questionable) story line.

If there are anymore questions that haven't been answered please put them here
When I get enough for another Q&A then I will post another chapter 
I aim for ~a r o u n d~ 30ish questions so it's not multiple mini-chapters of Q&A

First question is from: @Theultimatecookie1 

Author has hacked into the chat. Say Hi!

AllMight: Identify yourself

Author: I just have a question and I'll leave, promise!

AllMight: About?

Author: It pertains to your interactions with Y/N

AllMight: ...Very Well

Author: How does it feel to be vulnerable again?
Author: To someone who is younger than you and in another dimension, no less

AllMight: I'm not answering that

Author: Answer or I hack into the staff gc and send a bunch of questionable fanart
Author: And you'll never be able to unsee it

AllMight: ...
AllMight: It is not a desirable feeling
AllMight: Even more so when it is coming from someone who presumably knows everything about me

Author: Take your time


AllMight: I am meant to be the symbol of peace
AllMight: I told young Midoriya he could not be a hero out of a want to keep a young boy out of danger. I do not believe a quirkless person could be a hero, people with quirks are simply stronger.

AllMight: As for young Y/N being young and from another dimension. It's concerning that there is a world where people's life story and secrets are on full display. Young Y/N is the only interaction of their world I have so it's presumable that their opinion on me is a common one which makes me question if I haven't fully done my duty as the Symbol Of Peace.

Author: Thank you for your honest answer.

Author has left the chat.





Second Question is from: @Akohaku 

Question: I'm wondering in which timeline the BNHA characters currently are, or if there is just none in this story

Answer: Currently there is not a timeline. I originally started this because I kept seeing chatfics/fanfics about Izuku being 'adopted' by the pro's and I thought "What if it was an average Gen Z person?" and from there it changed to a Gen Z adult because of my age 

BUT if I begin getting comments requesting ships between Y/N and 1-A then I would set the timeline to be their last year of UA and age them all to 18+ to make it legal because of Y/N's age

Note: It'd be a huge harem, ships with Y/N and each other 





3rd.) Similar questions from  @Endavoursucks1  and @Marvelfandomer

Question: Will the reader get transported to the BNHA verse? / Will we ever shift?

Answer: I have an idea about it but I don't want to spoil it and I don't know how I'll write it just yet





Fourth question from @AnaKpop7310

Author has hacked into the chat. Say Hi!

Dadzawa: I don't get paid enough to deal with this
Dadzawa: Who are you and what do you want.

Author: Answer a question and I'll go away!

Dadzawa: Fine

Author: How do you feel about Shinso replacing Mineta in your class?

Dadzawa: Shinso has the potential to be a great hero.
Dadzawa: Mineta has the potential to get expelled for sexual harassment.

Author: Understandable, have a nice day

Author has left the chat.





Fifth question from @vici_riddle_afton

(This is under the assumption that they are all in their first year)

Author has hacked into the chat.

RuleBook: Villain!

Author: S h u s h
Author: Answer a question and I go away


Author: If Y/N wanted to adopt all of you, would you accept it?
Author: I for yes, X for no

The entire class: I

Author: Well that was easy, thanks!

ExplosionGod: NOW FUCK OFF

Author: Cool your anger issues Pomeranian 

ExplosionGod: WHAT DID YOU SA-

Author has left the chat.





Sixth Question from my little brother 

Question: Is Endeavor ever going to enter the chat?

Answer: That would depend on how much chaos (verbal abuse) you guys want 

Thank you everyone for the questions! 

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