A Flash of Hope

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    God, I can't get rid of that feeling. Kieran came just in time, perfectly because this fucking creep had his hand going up my leg at a fast rate too. That bastard left my thighs bruised. The worst part was I couldn't move to save myself, I also was too scared to do shit and I physically didn't have the capacity to fight back. His nasty, rugged hand sliding up my shorts.
I trembled at the thought. Even if a couple days, I guessed, had passed I could still vividly feel everything.

    I hunched over on the couch even more, holding my stomach, ready to puke my brains out. My eyes shut tight and my legs shook.

    "Suriah, here's some tea and toast," Kieran said as he walked into the living room with a plate and cup.

    After that incident, I couldn't feel safe without Kieran being around even if he was a bigger threat to me than whoever those guys were. I had an idea that he wouldn't ever try to do what they did to me, he isn't like that. Or it's what I hoped.

    Kieran sat the things on the coffee table and sat down next to me. He grabbed the cup again and held it to my lips. I faintly shifted my head away. He sighed, lowering the cup.

    "You need to eat," he said, "Or at least have something in your stomach,".

    "I'm not hungry," I bluntly said.

    "I know, you never are but you need something. Come on, just drink this cup of tea," Kieran lifted the cup back to my lips.

    If I don't do what he says, he'll get mad. And do I really need another death experience right now? No, not really. I sighed and lifted my head along with my hands to grab a hold of the cup, slowly taking small sips of the tea. To my surprise, it tasted bubbly and emotionally warming. I closed my eyes and let a sigh out.

    "You like it?" He asked.

    I opened my eyes and met his light hazel ones, "It's good,".

    His lips twitched into a smile, "It's mango green tea, one of my favorites,".

    That was a nice name for tea, it sounded just as it tasted. My own lips formed a small smile.

It felt nice to have a normal day for once, one where Kieran wasn't boiling with rage or trying to kill me. When things between us were fine, even if we hated -I- hated him for the things he's done, it was better to have a peaceful ground than a tense one. He's been gentle and kind to me the past days and I prayed every night it stayed that way until I was able to escape.

    Which brings me to a certain point.

    Kieran is a sucker for submission. He absolutely loves, and I mean loves, it when I does what he says. When I listened and didn't question Kieran, he'd get nice with me. I saw Kieran treat me like a normal person when I acted like a fucking servant. Someone with no voice or opinion. If I am able to control myself and treat him kindly then maybe I can get him to open up and give me more opportunities. More openings for escaping.

    "Are you going to tell me what happened?" He suddenly asked. I turned to look at him, sitting on the couch staring straight ahead.

    I looked into the cup watching the tea swirl around.

    "I don't know," I mumbled.

    "I need you to tell me," he said, "It's important,".

    My eyes met his distant ones, covered in a shield blocking away anything I could read him with. His jaw clenched and it sent a shiver down my spine. Would he get mad? Would he beat me again if I told him? Is it safe to..?

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