Chapter 19

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Lydia's POV:

That scene I knew so well laid before me.

This endless plain, the dark starless sky. Everything I was used to being accounted for.

I stood motionless for a few moments, longer than I ever had before.

All of the times before this I followed the regimen I'd discovered just to get me out of the dream I'd deemed a nuisance the quickest.

This time everything felt different. I'd been granted so many answers pertaining to this in such a short amount of time, and now that I was here again, I was almost hesitant to face the main part of it.

Seeing it now... Knowing what it was, what this all meant.

My hand rose cautiously to my chest, feeling the excitedly nervous thumping beneath.

There was a firm difference in what was happening now compared to other 'normal' dreams I've had.

An awareness you couldn't get even while lucid dreaming.

I drew out a calming breath, finally turning to the right as I always had.

Part of me was prepared just to see the wolf as I always had. Still, unresponsive, laying in that same spot atop the flat surface of a boulder.

But instead, I got met with that same golden stare as last time, laying with its- with her head lifted.

For what felt like forever, we just stared. Every semblance of information Luka or Eren had given to me up until now running as a replay in my mind.

This time, she did blink. Just as normally as any other wolf should.

I could see the twitching of her nose, seemingly catching my scent, and her ear flicking.

Otherwise, she was just as motionless.

This was her. This was me!

I took a steady step closer, that fear from the last time she had her eyes open nowhere to be seen.

Her ears pointed upwards in attention at my movement as if she was surprised.

Should I talk? Do I need to talk? If she's me- or a part of me I need to awaken, then aren't her thoughts mine?

God, there was still so much I didn't understand.

"I have no idea what I'm doing," I admitted under my breath, and yet it echoed through the space as if I was speaking it directly into my own ears.

I took another step, and then a few more, pausing only when she began to move.

About four feet from the boulder was when she started to get her paws up under her.

Each action looked somewhat stiff, fumbling like a newborn filly up onto her feet.

For the first time...

A big huff blew through her nose, eyes lifting to me again.

She was much bigger standing up than I'd ever previously given her credit for, that fact growing further when she approached further.

Paws skimming the sides of the rock, inching her way down before just jumping from it.

Standing before me now, she was big. Not quite as large as Luka's wolf, but definitely up there.

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