Chapter 1

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As the steam train hurtled through the British countryside the stifling heat scorched each carriage with little concern for the inhabitants. "Oh mama, it is so dreadfully warm! Must we really endure this, one would think we were to travel like animals" Sophia's younger sister complained for yet the fourth time this past half hour. 

"Oh Bea do stop your incessant whining! There is nothing we can do about it and we still have an hour to travel before we reach London" admonished her mother. "Ring for some refreshments, I'm sure some lemonade would revive you for the remainder of the journey" Bea begrudgingly rose and pulled the call bell within their compartment. 

Sophia leaned her head against the cool glass of the window, from her seat in the carriage she watched as the countryside began to dwindle and the smog of the city approached, bringing with it the hustle and bustle of the London season which fast approached. 

"Where is the godforsaken butler!" Grumbled Sophia's mother, Lady Charlotte. "Bea, pop your head out of the compartment and see to it that you find some help. I fear I should faint from dehydration!" Bea grumbled from her seat and sank lower. Sophia sighed "I'll go Mama, I'm sure I'll have better luck in any chance." 

Sophia rose and skirted around her sisters long form stretched out across the compartment. Both sisters stood tall for women, their slender curved bodies and long blonde hair made them both a desirable choice for the suitors of the ton. However, unlike Sophia, Beatrice had not yet tarnished her reputation by rejecting every man that had offered for her - much to Lady Charlottes disappointment. 

Sophia headed from the compartment towards the end of the carriage in search of assistance, as another compartment door opened and a man barged out "Ah you there, where have you been? Fetch me a drink, sharpish!" exclaimed a deep male voice. Sophia turned and realising she was alone in the corridor assumed the male must have been speaking to her. "Excuse me Sir, I am not the help" She bounced back sharply to the gent. 

"Well why are you wandering along the carriage alone" his initial intrigue slipping into a sly grin "If I can't find refreshments maybe some time alone in my compartment with you would help pass the rest of the journey sufficiently" he stated. Sophia backed away slowly, wishing she could remember which compartment was hers. The man at the end of the hall was dressed in well fitting clothes, his cravat had been discarded and his shirt open at the neck was showing his  too hairy chest. He stumbled forwards a few steps, clearly inebriated his cheeks flushed from the alcohol and his slightly too prominent brow dripped with sweat which traced the line of a scar beside his left eye. 

Sophia turned and quickly ran down the carriage, hearing him swear as he stumbled slightly after her. She reached a door set ajar and slipped into the compartment locking it swiftly behind her and sinking down below the level of the window, listening for the drunk gentleman to pass. She heard him stumble once more and curse, as his grumbling grew further away she breathed a sigh of relief and turned to the window of the compartment. 

A man sat watching her. His long legs stretched out in front of him, hands clasped in his lap. His green eyes traced the line of her body, Sophia felt the heat emanating from him as she held her hand to her heaving chest to calm her breathing. As though something had startled him from his trance, he stood abruptly, reaching his hand out to Sophia, she flinched at the quick motion and stood swiftly ignoring his hand and pressing herself against the door, attempting to feel behind her for the lock. 

"I do apologise Sir, I - I - I was looking for my mother and there was an awfully inebriated gentleman in the hall who..." she trailed, as the train let out an almighty whistle signalling their arrival to London. "Oh goodness I must go! My mother will be awfully worried" She turned and frantically pulled at the door. A hand slipped over hers and unlatched the lock, she could feel him behind her, his warm breath on her neck, heat travelled through her body, igniting her like a flame. Sophia could feel the beads of sweat meeting the neck of her travelling gown and causing the damp material to stick to her body further. He pulled open the door and held it for her to pass, Sophia lurched into the hallway, turning briefly as she fled the compartment in search of her mother. He stood in the doorway watching her, his piercing green gaze etched into her memory as he studied her retreating form. 

"There you are, where have you been... whatever is the matter child, you look positively ghastly! Let us disembark, the fresh air will surely help. This journey was surely not worth the time is saved. Next time we shall remain in the carriage and not listen to your brother!" Sophia's mother exclaimed. 


From the end of the platform - unbeknownst to the three women alighting the train. The Duke of Rothesay watched as Sophia's brilliant blue eyes darted around the platform in search of what he wondered? Was she looking for the drunk who attempted her ruin or was she hoping for another glance at him. He knew she had felt the tension between them, the spark as their hands met, for her sharp intake of breath had given away her true emotions. 

It had intrigued the Duke as he had long since given up on the hope of a woman catching his attention. Whilst yes, a wife would have been nice, he could not be trapped into matrimony by one of the devilish mothers who pushed their barely of age daughters his way. The knowledge of his new title and wealth had once made him an eligible Batchelor, a prize catch to any mother of a darling debutant. However, after his father had passed, he had left London and retreated to Scotland to take control of his estate and new found duties, he had found solace there and along with a willing maid he had found no need for a wife and had relinquished his desire to return to London for the season. 

His friend Latenbury had requested his presence at his estate this year to attend to business matters and review some foolish investments his friends father had made. Somehow, he had managed to evade his friends mother - who had 2 young daughters in want of a husband, as she had taken them off to visit with her sister during his time on the estate. He had unfortunately been bullied into attending the season, his friend had promised him the train would be a quick and efficient route, Latenbury was a train enthusiast and had invested in the railroad in the years prior, it's success had allowed him to regain his lost fortune and with the help of the duke had improved his standing within society once more. Latenbury had of course conjured some excuse as to travel by carriage - something about seeing tenants along the way however, the duke had other ideas about who he may be meeting prior to his family's arrival. 

"Richard!" He turned Latenbury stood on the platform, Richard blinked - he realised the platformed had long since emptied. "Are you alright old chap? You look to have seen a ghost" He laughed. 

"Perfectly" Grumbled Richard as he shifted awkwardly in his damp suit. The day had been a poor choice for travel, the heat made it unbearable and his black suit absorbed the sun's rays increasing his discomfort. 

"Come now, you just missed my mother and sisters. I've bundled them into the carriage and sent  them off home to change. By the looks of it you could do with a change" he wrinkled his nose. Richard eyed him, annoyed by his chatter "Where is my carriage Laten- I wish to get out of this blasted heat" he grumbled. 

"Ah come right this way my lady, your carriage awaits" Latenbury laughed at his old friend. Richard grumbled, grabbed his bag and followed after him away from the station towards the noise of the busy streets. 

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