Chapter 3

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The bell chimed above her and Sophia entered the salon, it was a small room with supplies lining the walls, comfortable looking chairs situated in front of large mirrors and a door leading through to another room which appeared to replicate the first. The smell of hair tonics and masculine fragrances bombarded her senses, cinnamon and spice reminding of her of Christmas and her Papa.

"Welcome! How may I help you?" An elderly man greeted Sophia with a slight bow, he was short and plump with a thick, well groomed, greying moustache. Sophia smiled "I have an appointment prior to tonights ball, however perhaps you are closed?" Sophia looked around the empty salon, everything was clean and tidy, it did not appear that she had just missed the crowd.

"Ah! You are here for Celeste, she is my daughter, I am Charles" Said the older man "We are very much open, it appears the folk around here just need a bit of warming up to our new approach - head on through to the back room and Celeste will be waiting for you" Sophia nodded and made her way past him, she noticed Emily was no-where to be seen and sent a prayer in thanks that she had decided to wait in the carriage. The smells changed as she entered the new room, identical to the first, the difference being the brushes and combs, much more feminine and the scents of lavender, honey and rose swept over Sophia.

"You must be Sophia! Welcome, welcome! I've been expecting you" A young woman appeared, with a quick courtesy, she wore a simple day dress with a brilliant white apron donned over the top. Her brown hair was twisted into an exquisite design of intricate braids and twists, drawing attention to her round face and large brown eyes. She was plump and short just like her father, they held a clear family resemblance in their kind and welcoming smile. She busied around Sophia removing her cloak and ushered her into the nearest chair.

Once situated comfortably in front of the large mirror she removed Sophias bonnet and began to inspect her hair, unravelling and removing pins to allow her long blonde locks to fall down the length of her back. "What style do you have in mind my dear?" Celeste asked as she continued to inspect Sophia's scalp, pulling her hair this way and that. "Um... I'm not too sure, I am attending the opening ball tonight and I have a rather beautiful dress that I ordered from Paris -" "OH PARIS" squealed Celeste "I LOVE PARIS, I dream of going there one day, it was my idea for the name of the shop and my hair is inspired by their latest fashions, tell me, have you been?" she continued on screeching in a new found pitch that could rival Sophia's mother and sister.

"As a matter of fact I returned not yet 2 months ago, I had travelled with my cousin and dear uncle and have seen so much, I do so adore the culture and the fashions" Sophia agreed. Celeste was beaming "then I have just the thing!" Celeste nodded, she began rummaging through draws and plucking bottles from the shelves, lifting them to her nose and shaking her head until she found the perfect one.

Sophia found herself enjoying her time at the salon, she chatted with Celeste about her short trip to Paris and Celeste swooned over her anecdotes of the grand museums and opera along with Sophia's description of the latest fabrics and fashions. She had hardly noticed that Celeste had created a masterpiece on top of her head, an intricate design of braids woven between silky strands of ribbon with a few long curls lingering down her back and framing her face. She smiled brightly "Oh Celeste, it's stunning! Thank you!" She beamed as she admired her new hairstyle in the mirror.

"Thank you, Miss Sophia, for trusting me. It has been awfully difficult these past few months, what with the expense of the store and the lack of customers I fear we may not be here for too long" Celeste smiled sadly as she looked around.

"Well, after tonight I'm sure you will be the talk of the town" Sophia clasped her hands and smiled "I will be sure to let everyone know where I had the most fantastic experience this afternoon!" Celeste's smile appeared to brighten and she nodded in agreement "well I do hope your plan works Miss, for your sake as much as ours" Sophia understood her implied meaning, despite the stunning work she had performed Celeste knew it was difficult for the members of society to accept change and would not be unusual if Sophia was looked down upon for her use of an unfashionable store.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2022 ⏰

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