Chapter 14

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Buzz buzz buzz

What the fuck is that sound

Buzz buzz buzz

Oh it's my phone duh think Greylee

I grab my phone and answer it without looking at the caller id

"What the fuck do you want," I say

"Well hello to you to baby," Luca says

"Oh hi Luca sorry for answer like that"

"Did I wake you"

"Yes but why did you call me"

"I called to tell you I'm taking you out on a date"



"I'll see you at 7"


"Okay baby"

"Bye baby," Luca says

"Bye Luca"

And then I hung up the call

Ahhhh! I'm going on a date with Luca. OH MY GOD, I'M GOING ON A DATE WITH LUCA! What the fuck I'm I going to wear

I go to my closet and see what I have there are dresses, crop tops, hoodies, and many more things but I don't know what to choose. I should have asked him what he had planned so I could have chosen my outfit easier. I'll just text him.

I grab my phone and text, Luca

Me: What did you have planned for are date

Luca 💋💗: It's a surprise baby

Me: What am I supposed to wear then

Luca 💋💗: Wear a dress

Me: Okay thank you

Luca 💋💗: Your welcome baby and remember be ready at 7

Me: Okay I will be

I look through my dresses and I find the perfect one its purple with white flowers going all over and it has spaghetti straps and it has a small slit on the side of it

I look through my dresses and I find the perfect one its purple with white flowers going all over and it has spaghetti straps and it has a small slit on the side of it

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Now I need to find shoes to go with it. I think I'm just going to wear my Air Forces. Yeah, that's what I will do.

I don't understand why so many girls take so long to get ready it only takes me 10 minutes to get ready 30 if I shower but that's because I take really long showers buts that's because I just have my own concerts wow my thought really strayed there

Anyways, I'm going to shower now because I take a long time and I want to be ready on time. I go to my bathroom, turn my speaker on and play my music then I strip and get in the shower. Once I'm in the shower I grab my shampoo bottle and put some soap on my hand and then I wash my hair. Once I wash my hair I grab my conditioner and do the same thing then I wash my body. After that, I shave all the body parts that need to be shaved. Once I'm done I get out look at the time and see it's already 3 dang what time did I wake up at.

I grab my towel, wrap it around my body and go to my sink and brush my teeth. After doing that I go back to my room and grab some underwear. All my underwear is either see-through or really cute so pretty much they are all lingerie. I don't know why they are all lingerie they just make me feel good about myself and they give me some type of confidence. I grab a white see-through thong with blue flowers and the matching bra with it.

Once I put my underwear on I grab some sweatpants and a hoodie and I get in bed and watch some Netflix because I have some time to kill

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Once I put my underwear on I grab some sweatpants and a hoodie and I get in bed and watch some Netflix because I have some time to kill. 

It's 6:40 right now so I better start getting ready now. I go to my closet and grab the dress I picked out, then I go and put on my shoes. Then I go to my bathroom. I put on some makeup, nothing much, just some massacre and some lip gloss and a little concealer. After I do that I put on my necklace and some earrings and I leave my hair the way it is now. It is down and wavy. It's my natural hair. I look at myself in the mirror and I think I look pretty good.

I hear my phone ringing I go and look and see who it is and it's Luca I answer it


"Hey baby I'm at your door"

"Oh okay I'm coming"

"Okay bye"


We hung up and I head to the front door I see look and man does he look hot he is wearing a white collared shirt but he has a navy blue crewneck over it and he has black pants and he's air forces on and he has his rings on his fingers.

In his hands, he has flowers they are bright pink roses with the white tiny flower things I don't what they are called aww he bought me flowers

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In his hands, he has flowers they are bright pink roses with the white tiny flower things I don't what they are called aww he bought me flowers

In his hands, he has flowers they are bright pink roses with the white tiny flower things I don't what they are called aww he bought me flowers

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I close the door and lock it and then I face him

"Hey baby"


"I bought you flowers," he says and hands them to me he looks kinda nervous.

"They are really pretty. I love them thank you"

"Ready to go," he asks me and outstretches his hand

"Yeah let's go," I say and take his hand


Authors note:

Guys in the next chapter I'm going to attempt to write some smut but it's probably not going to be that great.

Word count:854

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