Chapter Nineteen - The Story & The Kiss

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"Okay, so a year before meeting Giovanni, I ran away from home. I had wanted to do it way before that, but my brother Alonso was standing in my way. My father wouldn't let Alfonso leave my side, so I couldn't leave without him knowing. He then took this to his advantage...he didn't treat me like a sister-" she swallowed hard, "-anyways, on the same day I ran away, Alfonso tried know force me to have sex with him," She swallowed hard again.

By that point all I could see was red. How could a brother do that to his sister? I mean what about her parents.

"-so, I killed him. I was only 21 at that time. I was sure he died, that's why when you told me that he's alive, I was shocked," she said. "I later found that they weren't even my real family. I only found out two days before I escaped when I heard Giovanni talking to my father. I heard his voice and heard how my father sold me. It turned out that I didn't meet Giovanni by accident."

I couldn't believe what I heard.

Leila wasn't their biological daughter. They used her for money and almost sex. How could any parent do that?

No wonder she was afraid of having a child or even trying to distance herself from me. To her, all men are the same.

"Wow...your life is quite a mess," my father hesitantly says.

"I have to leave far, far away."

"They will find you. You are not leaving," I said firmly.

I will not let her leave, not after I promised her protection. Plus, I don't want her to leave.

"Rio is right, you will stay here, and we will send them together just like you said when you first came here."

"I am scared. With this baby, it feels impossible. I am vulnerable," she said weakly but tried to sound strong.

"We are the strongest mafia in Europe, nothing is impossible, Leila," my father confidently said.

When Leila and I left his office, we walked back to our rooms like always. It felt like it was a routine, from the warehouse to the house, to my father's office, to our rooms.

"Leila." I stopped her before she walked into her room.


"Everything is going to be okay," I said, opening my arms, and inviting her for a hug.

"Thank you for everything, Demetrio," she said and hugged me back.

We kept in each other's arms for almost a minute when she slowly but shyly, started to back away. Our faces were close, so close that if I moved forward a bit, my lips would touch hers.

I didn't want to try again because I was scared, but what I didn't expect was for her to close that gap and plant her lips on mine.

Our lips danced together with passion as if they depended on each other. As if they had been longing for one another and some reason, we couldn't get enough. That was the kiss of my life as cliche as it sounded. I had never kissed anyone like that before and the fact that I wanted to do it again, blew my mind.

We only stopped when we heard someone clearing their voice.

We turned to my left and her right, only to see my mother with a huge grin on her face.

"Oh, my, god! Finally!" my mother squealed and hugged us both. "I have been waiting for this for a while! What took you so long?" she asked.

"Mom, privacy, please?" I said with a frown.

"Privacy? We need to have a party!"

"Mom, you need to calm down," I said, too scared to even argue with her. When she got excited, it was too scary for everyone to get any involvement with her.

"Valeria, I don't think that's a great idea," Leila nervously said, probably believing that my mother was actually going to do a party.

"You're so cute," my mother giggled, pinching Leila's cheeks.

"I was only joking but still, I am so happy. When will I have grandchildren? Well, of course after you give birth to your already growing baby, but still."

Leila and I looked at my crazy mother as she rambled. We clearly didn't know what to say because it was our first kiss.

"Mom, we just had our first kiss," I looked at her in confusion.

"Oh, right...well, fine, I guess."

My mother thankfully left, leaving Leila and me alone. Leila looked so nervous and scared for some reason.

"Leila, my mother was only kidding about everything she said, don't worry, okay?" I tried to make her feel better.

"N-No, no it's okay. I am just a little bit taken aback. I didn't really think that she had been waiting for us to get together."

"So we got together?" I asked with a smirk.

Her cheeks turned red and my smirk got bigger. I liked it when I made her nervous and shy, it was cute.

"I-I mean if you want, of course..."

I shut her up by kissing her lips again, but this time much gentler. It was a soft, slow kiss that made my insides dance.

"Did you get my answer?" I asked after breaking the kiss.

"I definitely did." She smiled shyly.

"Leila...I like you, a lot. I don't want you to be scared of me and if I make anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, please tell me."

"Demetrio," she started, grabbing my arms, "you never ever made me feel uncomfortable and I am sure never will. I feel so safe with you and I...I like you too."

I smiled at her and kissed her forehead.

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