𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞

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Third Pov


"Stop," Snake said as he looks at Wolf and Campbell.

"We'll stop if you just explain it to us, because we..." Wolf trails off.

"Would you please drop it, Moe? Mysty isn't asking," Snake told Wolf as he pointed at Campbell.

Campbell gave Wolf a cheeky smile as Wolf gave her a playful growl.

Snake chuckles softly. He, Shark, Piranha and Webs knows that Campbell and Wolf has feelings for each other.

Wolf looks back at Snake and sighs. "All right, all right. Fine, fine, fine. Consider it dropped."

"Good," Snake and Campbell chorused.

Snake was putting cream in his coffee.

Wolf holds his coffee and smiles between the two. "But, I mean, come on, everybody loves birthdays."

Snake and Campbell groans.

"You got decorations, you got balloons, you got parties and cake," Wolf said.

Snake looks at Wolf. "Look. I don't need presents. I don't want decorations, and I'm not a cake guy."

Wolf drinks his coffee.

Campbell pouts. "I guess I have to take your present back then."

Snake looks at Campbell softly. "You got me a present, Myst?"

"Of course. But I have to take it back because you said don't need presents,"  Campbell said.

"But if it's from you, Myst. I like to open it,"  Snake said softly.

Campbell smile. "You can open your present back at the hang out place, Hubert."

Snake nodded softly.

Wolf looks at Snake disbelief. "Anyways, seriously, through, you don't like cake? Name one good food better then cake."

"Guinea Pig," Snake said excited.

"Again, with the Guinea Pig," Wolf said.

Campbell passes Snake the sugar.

Wolf chuckles. "I bet if I blindfolded you, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a skunk and a Guinea pig."

Snake was pouring a lot of sugar in his coffee.

"Wrong. Snakes have impeccable taste buds. I can taste air," Snake said.

"Air?" Wolf asked amusing.

"Yes. Air. Mmm. Nice," Snake said as he was smiling.

Wolf puts his arm around Campbell. "I don't know. They're a little, uh... They're a little cute for my taste."

Snake puts his cup of coffee on the table again. "That's what makes them so delicious. You're not just eating food, you're eating pure goodness." He smiles excitedly. "It's not about the pig. It's about what it symbolizes on a deeper level."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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