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When I came to, my head was pounding. It took a few minutes for me to even be able to open my eyes.

When I was finally able to get my bearings, I realised I was in a car, and my wrists were bound.

And then it all came rushing back.

The clinic, the wedding, my walk, the person who had knocked me out.

I had been kidnapped.

I rolled my eyes. Of course I had been kidnapped. Because I had apparently offended some force in the universe and now bad things happened to me back to back.

Had father killed, check.

Is beaten up by guard and gets bruised ribs, check.

Is attacked by rogues and gets neck ripped out, double check.

Mate is getting mated to someone else, check.

I mean, obviously the next thing on the list is to get kidnapped.

I am lying in the back-seat of the car and I try to see who is driving the car. It's hard to because my head is right behind the driver's seat. My first instinct is to remain still and pretend I was still knocked out but I want to look out of the windows and see if I can recognise where we are and the direction I'm heading in. It might be the only thing that will save me from this maniac. Plus my back hurts.

So, I sit up, my head hurting even more from the effort.

The man driving jumps a bit and swears, "How are you awake?" then more to him self, "I knew that bastard sold me fake tranquillisers."

I was frozen in shock, "Bolik," I whispered.

He smiled his creepy smile, looking at me through the rear-view mirror, "Hello, Anaya. Long time, no see, eh?"

My mind was racing. I had actually forgotten Bolik existed.

"How... How..." I wasn't able to form a sentence.

"Calm down sweetie. You look like you've seen a ghost!" he laughed.

Because I had. He was practically a ghost.

"How are you here? How did you find me?"

"Oh locating you has been very difficult. You're a good hider, always have been. Remember when we used to play hide and seek?"

I kept quiet.

"But things got a lot easier when I found your bracelet. Oh yes, the bracelet changed everything after the thief told me where he had seen you," he narrowed his eyes at me now, "You meanwhile have been consorting with the Darkhide Hounds. Become living partners with the very people who killed your father."

"Don't bring my father into this," I warned, struggling against my bounds.

He smiled, "But it's disgusting don't you know? And to think that you ran from me, who you've known all your life, to seek shelter with them. You'll still pay for the nasty bruise you gave me by the way."

I sighed, "Bolik, I'm sorry about the bruise but you know you have to let me go."

"Ohhhh I know, do I? I'm sorry to inform you but I don't know any such thing. I have absolutely no plans to 'let you go'. When you go on a hunt and you catch a prey, do you let it go? Never. You take it home with you. And boy have I been hunting for you for a long time."

Goosebumps broke out all over my body. Bolik had always loved to hunt, it was something I had always respected about him, his clean kills. I just had never thought I would be considered 'prey' one day.

I recalled a young me going on a hunting lesson with Dad and Bolik and Tim.

"Hunting requires patience, Anaya," Dad had said.

"But the patience has to pay off. For your patience and effort to be worth it, you have to choose the best prey." Bolik had continued, "Don't waste your time on the little ones or the ones with deformities. Believe you deserve the best for your efforts and you will get the best."

We were deep in the forest, our cabin somewhere far behind us.

"Why should we harm these animals," I had asked, "They are harmless themselves. Why can't we just let them be happy."

Bolik had looked at me, a frown on his face, "They are prey." he said as if that explained everything.

"Prey are made for you to hunt. Just as you are made to hunt. Without them, your fangs and claws are useless and we would all die of starvation."

His reasoning didn't make any sense. There were other things to eat afterall. Or we could eat more dangerous animals, the ones that harmed the little ones.

We spotted a deer and Dad motioned at us to keep quiet. I watched the graceful animal, oblivious to the danger that lurked.

Bolik shifted and his wolf crouched low, stalking its prey. I watched as he crept closer to the deer, not making a sound even though the ground was covered with leaves and sticks just waiting to be crunched.

Then when he was close enough, he leaped. I watched the deer and saw the exact second when it realised it had made a mistake coming here. Its eyes widened just before Bolik knocked it down.

We went to meet him and the sight was heartbreaking. The deer lay on the floor, the blood seeping out of it, its eyes still open. I turned away.

Bolik was congratulated and the deer was carried home and prepared.

I didn't touch my meat at dinner that night and the others found me ridiculous.

'This is why you don't take girls on hunts.'

"Anaya, eat your meat. It's good," Dad pushed my plate closer to me.

I pushed it away again.

"Prey is prey, Anaya. Prey is meant to be taken down. If you don't take down prey, you remain hungry and die. You are dying to save the life of a creature whose life is worthless. Eat the meat." Bolik had said.

I looked out of the window of the car and I realised I recognised the places we were going past. With a jerk I realised where we were headed.

What is he up to?

The car pulled up to the familiar cabin and the engine off. Bolik got out of the front seat and opened the back one.

He smiled, "Welcome home."

Snagged by the Rogue [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now