An oddball reunion

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While sitting in a chair Y/N could see Ruby in awe of the view outside of the airship. Y/N soon decided to close his eyes and rest up but unfortunately that all ended when he heard someone's voice that he hasn't heard in a long time.

Yang- "Oh I'm so glad my little sister is joining me in Beacon this year."

Ruby- "Please stop."

Y/N soon got behind Yang to surprise here. Knowing that she has no idea that he was going to be in Beacon Academy.

Y/N- "Alright Yang that's enough you know she's not that strong enough for that much force."

Yang looked behind with shock. Seeing her friend she hasn't seen in 5 years. She then hugged him with all her strength.

Y/N- "Hey Yang your crushing me."

Yang- "Just another minute you idiot. Do you know how long I've missed you."

Y/N- Yang! I can't breathe. You're crushing me."

Yang then released Y/N causing him to fall to the ground gasping for air. While Ruby and Yang were talking to each other they then noticed the screen turning on.

Reporter- "The robbery in question was caused by Roman Torchwick. Who has managed to avoid the authorities. If you have any where abouts please call this number."

Y/N- "At least his goons are in jail maybe they might know where he is."

Reporter- "This Saturday's Faunes Civil rights turned dark when the white fang attacked."

Y/N- "Now that ticks me off even more then Torchwick. Because of the white fang, Faunes everywhere are know considered criminals in a lot of people's eyes. If they want respect and equality they shouldn't resort to going low as committing crimes."

Ruby- "Did you have to deal with that often?"

Y/N- "More then you know. But at least I met a few who were more accepted of me."

Glynda- "Hello and welcome to Beacon."

Yang- "Who is that?"

Glynda- "My name is Glynda Goodwitch."

Yang- "Oh."

Glynda- "You are among the privileged  few to have been selected to attend this prestigious academy. Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace and as future Huntsmen and Huntresses, it is your duty to uphold it.

Y/N- "No pressure I guess. But would it kill them to tell us that we can die in the process of keeping the peace."

Yang- "Y/N can it. Can't you see we're, watching this."

Y/N- "I'm just saying- OWW!"

Yang then punched Y/N in the arm causing the two to fight like children.

Ruby- "Hey look at this you guys!"

The two stop fighting to go to her location. Soon all three looked out the window to see Beacon Academy.

Y/N- "Wow. So this is Beacon Academy."

Yang-"Yup this is are new home now."

???- "Urf!"

The three soon looked at a boy who looked sick.

Yang- "Guess the view isn't for everyone I guess."

Ruby- "Gross Yang you got vomit on your shoes."

Yang- "Ew Ew Ew!"

Ruby- "Gross, get away from me!"

Y/N- "Stop! What are you doing? Get away!

The Remnant Rider (Male Kamen Rider X RWBY)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora