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"IS IT WEIRD GETTING SENT TO THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE WHEN YOU'RE LIKE... THE AGE OF THE PRINCIPAL?" Kristen watched Maverick twiddle his thumbs in the seat beside her. The two had been called in latenight the next day to speak with the Airbosses, addressing the events a few days prior.

Maverick giggled, "Didn't think you were much of a delinquent, what happened Miss Goody-two shoed Kazansky?"

"Someone's a bit fiesty today," Kristen sat back, though his fallen expression made her soften, "You think it's gonna be bad, Mav?"

Maverick sighed, "Your pops is gone, he was my last leg. My training got you landed in the hospital and an aircraft broken, I'd say I'm out. But I gotta stay confident, walk in there like I gotta get back to you kids. You guys aren't ready."

Kristen had loosened up from her harsh grudge with Maverick since the funeral, relishing in the fact that he was still beside her. She was still upset, but in interest of the mission she knew she needed to listen to him deep down — if Ice wanted Maverick to be their teacher, it had to be for a good reason... even if he had tried to go against her.

"Can I call I truce?" Kristen held out her hand and Maverick shook it. He replied, "I was never trying to fight with you."

She scoffed, turning her face to look at Maverick, "You were trying to meddle with my shot at the mission and now I don't even know where I stand. Sounds like you were trying to me."

"But who let their pride get ahead of themselves?" Maverick settled into his chair, and Kristen dropped her jaw, "Hi pot, meet kettle."

"You've heard it a thousand times, you're good, but, you let your head cloud your actions," Maverick explained, "I get it Kris, I get why you're frustrated and I would be too. But I'm on the flip side now, I-I'm trying to be the teacher. I'm trying to make calls that are gonna get my pilots home."


"YOU TWO HAVE PUT US IN A VERY DAMNING SITUATION," Admiral Beau sternly looked between Maverick and Kristen, "For the first time in my godamn career, I'm at a loss for words."

Kristen smacked her lips together, gulping as she watch the Admiral ponder.

"You scraped through it Lieutenant Kazansky," Admiral Beau acknowledged, "And that's more than I can say for your class mates, however, I'm not quite sure that you're in the best position to continue with this mission. Personal matters have no business conflicting with this job, I'm afraid that this is now going to be a problem."

She stayed quiet, watching Admiral Beau turn his attention to Maverick, "And you, Captain Mitchell. All you've quite literally taught those kids is that they can't fly the mission. It was your job to teach them, and it was your job to make them ready."

"So what are we doing here when the both of us," He paused as he looped in Kristen, "Should be preparing."

"You're grounded, Captain. Permanently," Admiral Beau announced, "I'll be taking over the training, thankyou for your time Captain Mitchell. You're dismissed."

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