Chapter 22: Whipped Cream

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Months ago: somewhere around the time when Jisung was busy trying to impress Sihyeon 

"Welcome home, husband," Yiren grinned, looking at Minho, who was standing at her apartment's door. His black face mask hid his huge smile upon seeing her, and he was glad that he had worn it. He certainly didn't want her to know what kind of a closet simp he was. 

It was no special occasion for them to meet -- basically Yiren texted him two hours ago if he was doing anything for the day, and when he denied, she practically begged him if he could come over. 

Currently, Yiren stepped aside, letting him enter the apartment, and this time, the place was considerably cleaner. Or maybe it was just the fact that there were lesser packets of wafers and the context-less confetti had been cleaned away. 

"This is so clean," he genuinely appreciated, "I'm proud of you for cleaning up." 

She hit him on his arm lightly, "Hey! I tried!" 

"I wasn't sarcastic!" 

"Wait, wha-" 

"I miss the random confetti on your floor, though." 

Yiren laughed, making Minho take off his mask and chuckle along. He couldn't lie; he was a sucker for her hearty smile and her not-so musical laugh. It would be cliché if she had a musical laugh, though; hers sounded like a high-pitched cry, but he loved it anyway. It felt safe? Comforting? Like home? 

Maybe, like home. 

Yiren then crouched down to pick up the used coffee mugs, and Minho wordlessly helped her with the empty packets of wafers, grabbing them and putting them in the dustbin. She looked at him, asking, "What are you doing?" 

"Helping you, smartass," he replied.

"You're not obliged to do that, you know?" she felt awkward to have an idol cleaning up her house. 

"Obliged? Are you learning big words?" Minho laughed. 

She snickered involuntarily, picking up a baking glove and tossing it at him. It hit him on the head, and she laughed when he made a shocked face --  it reminded her of those memes Stays make by comparing his actions with cats. And right there, he truly had the shook cat face. 

Minho chucked the glove back at her, and she didn't get a chance to duck, so it crashed against her nose. He laughed boomingly when she gasped. 

And what followed was an endearing game of tossing random things at each other. 

Yiren picked up a crumbled piece of paper and threw it at him, and he ducked, making her groan, "Naww!" 

While she was busy groaning, Minho grabbed an empty packet of wafers that he hadn't discarded into the bin yet, and crumbling it up, he threw it at her -- hitting her on the nose yet again. 

"Lee Minho! Not fair!" she gasped, looking around for something throwable, and the targeted man picked up a cone of whipped cream (God knows what it was doing out on the counter), and tossed it at her. 

Ba dum tss, there went the cream on her face! 

Yiren stood like a sim, with whipped cream on her face, dripping onto her shirt. Minho paused as well; both standing in shock with their mouths agape. About a minute passed in silence when Minho snickered, and she started laughing, screeching, "What have you done!" 

He turned on the camera on his phone and snapped a picture of hers while she was busy wiping it off with the back of her hands. As soon as the shutter went off, she cried, "Minho! Why would you-" 

"Pose sexily, m'lady," Minho giggled adorably, and she denied strongly, "No, sire!" 

"Do it, m'lady! Show us your moves!" 

That was enough to make Yiren pose like Gigi Hadid. 

Minho snapped pictures of hers as she posed like a diva, her hands on her hips and her head held high. It could be considered an actually good photo session if she didn't have whipped cream on her face and a kitchen sink as her background. 

Minutes later, Yiren scurried over to him, asking, "How do I lo- OH, MY GOD! WHY DO I LOOK LIKE SMURF BUT IN WHITE?" 

Minho laughed, his laughter echoing in the room. Seeing him laugh, Yiren playfully touched her cheek with his, smothering whipped cream onto his face as well. 

"Yiren! I shaved this morning!" he cried, and she laughed evilly, 

"Serves you right!" 

(a/n: random fluffy chapter hehe enjoy~ 


But like did you like it??? i didn't :') 

Thanks for reading! I love you!) 

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