17) Privacy

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Y/n's POV

Finally! No more bunk bed. No more sharing one bathroom with five boys. But instead a nice comfortable queen size bed and an entire sweet to myself. This was luxury.

All my bags had been delivered to my room and were sitting in the middle of the large plush lounge of my sweet. I decided that moving them to my room was the first thing I was going to do. 

There was a rasping at the door, so I emerged from my bedroom. I opened the door to my hotel sweet to be greated by Liam's warm brown eyes.

"Hello." He smiled at me.

He was excited, like really excited. But I couldn't figure out why. Then he held up an ivory envelope adressed to the two of us.

"What's that?" I asked my brother, utterly confused.

"A letter." 

There was a pause in his delivery of information.

"From Mum." 

I squeled, bouncing up and down as I dragged Liam into my hotel room slamming the door shut behind us.

"Open it, open it!" Excitement was bursting out from inside of me.

I watched carefully as Liam sat down at the glass table opening the envelope to reveal two pages of paper. One was addressed to Liam and one was addressed to me. Lam handed me mine and I starred down at it.

"Well? Are you going to read it, or just stare at it for the rest of eternity?" Liam teased and we both chuckled.

I unfolded the letter and a printed photograph came loose falling to the floor. The unfolded piece of paper revealed my mothers beauitful hand writing and I began reading.

Dearest Y/n,

I just know you would absoloutley love it here. Everyone is so lovely and caring, I couldn't have felt more welcome and appreciated. Just yesterday our guides took us down to the waterhole and we bathed with elephants, it was the most incredible experience. One day I'll have to bring you here and show you.

I hope your brother is taking good care of you and that the change hasn't been too much for you. I'm sure you're having more fun than me touring with the band and travelling across the globe. I cannot wait to hear all your funny and exciting storie about your adventures.

My Y/n/n I am so proud of you. This big change would have been so hard for you and you've taken it in your stride. You've come so far, just know how proud I am.

Lots of love,


The letter brought a bright smile to my face. I hadn't realised how much I missed my mum until  had read her letter.

I picked up the photo from the floor and saw my mum splashing around with a giant elephant in what I assumed was the waterhole. She had such a big smile on her face. At least she was enjoying herself in her new place of work.

I glanced over to Liam who was also wearing a wide smile on his face. He stood up from his seat and englufed me into a hug, planting a small kiss onto the top of my forehead. 

"We'll need to write our replies, but you can do that when you choose to."

"Thanks Liam.

"I'll leave you to it. We're going to do dinner in Niall, Louis and I's room tonight so I'll see you around seven, yeah?"

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