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The world around her breaks into shapes that split apart. Blending together to create white and grey blobs. They take shape to form a grey sky that shines through the branches of bony tree's, that shine white. A figure sits on it's knee's in front of her, scraps of clothing hang on it's skeleton-like body.

A lost soul sat on the ground, staring at the tree. Foot impressions were spread around him as if it had been waiting for her to come back.

Is this the same monster?

"Where did you gooo?" The creatures voice slurs as he stares up at her.

It's still here? Why?

She presses herself against the tree, her hands grab the dirty skin of the living tree.

"Did yoou feel safe?" Red tears pool in the broken eyes that hang out of the monsters face.

"What? Why aren't you eating me? What's wrong with you?"

She sinks to the ground, dragging her back against the tree. They stare at each other, lost in their own thoughts.

"I felt safe," She picks at her clothes.

"Aaanndd?" It moans, tilting it's head to the side.

And what? Is this monster trying to have a conversation with me? Why?

The skin on the monsters neck, stretches until it snaps. The creature doesn't move it's head, slowly the bones bends until it cracks. It's head tumbles to the ground.


"Shhhh," The monster moans, looking up at her from the ground.

The body doesn't move, frozen in place.

If I don't answer it, will the monster go towards me?

"I felt guilty.."

How does it know what I do when I lie?

The monster gets up, grabs it's head and returns to the spot on the ground.


She gulps. "I left my brother there, I didn't mean too but I did,"

The monster raises it's head, trying to put it back on it's neck. Twisting it back forth.

Why is the creature like this? What's wrong with it? Why doesn't it try to kill me? Do I finally get a second to breathe?

"I blame myself for what's happening to him. I was too selfish and left him there. I left my little Lee with them!" Tears pool in her eyes, she brings her shaking hands to her hair.

"I was supposed to protect him! I didn't do that. I didn't do my job! It's my-"

"-NOOOO," It screams, carrying the head in it's hands.

"What?" Her voice was a quiet whisper.


It pushes itself up and stumbles towards her.

I should move, why aren't I moving?

It stands in front of her, only a few feet away. The mouth moves on the head in it's hands, but nothing comes out. It stares down at her.

"Coomme," It drags itself away.

You want me to follow you? Why?

The creature stops just out of her eyesight.


I'm going to trust you

She got up and rushed towards him staying a safe distance behind him.

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