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I felt like an idiot.


And perhaps I was an idiot after all because only an idiot would've been able to get themselves in this type of tricky situation with no clear way out of it.

This wasn't just me being a pessimist, I was merely pointing out the facts here.

A smarter person would've known that this planet wasn't Earth in the slightest bit.

A more intelligent sentinel being would've had the guts to fight off their attackers and construct a way to get back into outer space within the first few minutes of touching down after breaking through the thick atmosphere with an abrupt crash landing.

Those kinds of smarts in a brain belonged to someone like Mama.

Someone like Lettie or Indie.

People who have survived harsher conditions, traumatizing situations and unpredictable circumstances.

People who had both the smarts and the gut instincts to know when to slit their own throat or try to stay alive for as long as possible.

But I didn't think of myself as one of those types of people.

Why, you may ask?

Well, the answer was relatively simple, when you really take the time to think about it.

Perhaps it was because I was inexperienced when it came to flying a spaceship that caused me to mistake this undoubtedly gorgeous and definitely deadly planet for Earth but I knew that wasn't the case.

It certainly couldn't be the fact that I hadn't thought this all the way through when I set a course for Earth because I had already known that this was one of my brightest, and dumbest, ideas altogether so it really wasn't that either.

And while part of me wanted to blame it on chance alone, Hell I'd even blame it on my eyesight right now if it wasn't still good even after suffering oxygen deprivation over the course of several months, I just didn't blame in the fact that it was a dumb stroke of unfortunate luck that I ended up on this planet.

Whilst I wasn't sure where exactly I stood on the spectrum of believing in otherworldly beings when it came to the spiritual aspect, I definitely knew where I stood when it came to the physical aspect of such beings.

I've encountered maybe a handful or two extraterrestrial lifeforms in my entire lifetime, though most were just some blurry glimpses through concealed door windows back on the Celestial before the Commander banned me from entering the lower decks of the space station after word got around that Commander Ophelia may be harboring extraterrestrial beings onboard the Celestial, but I can't say for certain that I've never encountered some as uniquely dangerous as these individuals.

They were one hundred percent deadly predators and if their appearance could only speak volumes of what their words might be, I know I would be a goner if they thought I was a threat.

My best chance at staying alive was pretending that I was meek, that I couldn't hold my own even amongst those that were closer to my own kind, and truth be told, I absolutely didn't stand a chance at survival if these things attacked me right now.

And by right now, I literally meant right now since one of them was still holding a knife that could slice my body into little tiny chunks and pieces of kibbles that they would probably scarf up if given the prime opportunity to.

My nose wrinkled unnoticeably at that disgusting thought, I don't think I would taste that good though since I haven't had a decent shower in forever and I'm pretty sure the acid wearing down my teeth from the mush I would continuously eat on the Celestial had worn wouldn't leave a pleasant aftertaste in their mouths.

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