xxi | strung out

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**warning: mention of suicidal thoughts, drug abuse, and overdose ahead**


I MISSED THIS. So fucking much.

I don't know how long it's been since I took the pill, which Miles informed me was laced with something stronger than I was used to, but I could definitely feel it.

It felt like nothingness, in the best way possible.

A permanent giddy smile was stretched across my face as I swayed to the music. I felt arms around me, but I couldn't tell who it was through my blurry vision.

But I didn't care.

Not one bit.

The lights were spinning around me, flashing through my line of vision. Or was I spinning?

I laughed harder than I have in a while.

I wanted to be this happy all the time.

The hands that were roaming my body were suddenly ripped away, making me stumble towards the ground. Before I could faceplant, another pair of more familiar hands grabbed onto my waist.

"Don't fucking touch her," the man with the nice hands growled. He didn't bother waiting to hear the other guy's response before carrying me out of the club.

Hey, where the fuck is this guy taking me?

I opened my mouth to ask the question, but all that came out was "Mmnhf?"

In a matter of seconds, I was in a car, but my eyes wouldn't stay open.

This is how I die... I can feel it. But I didn't care.

I haven't cared about my life for a while.

It didn't take long for the car to stop driving before I was hoisted into those arms again and taken inside a house. If it weren't for the familiar surroundings and hands, I would be very alarmed right now. Well, as alarmed as someone in this state could be.

I was placed onto a bed, the cotton sheets covering the lower half of my body as I leaned against the headboard.

"Drink." A cool glass hit my lips. I greedily drank the contents, feeling completely parched. "What the fuck, Kimberly?"

I knew that voice.

With great concentration, my eyes focused onto the person before me.


If I wasn't so completely out of it, I would've cursed him out. But I had no control of my mouth. "My lips are red. Do you wanna kiss?"

"You're fucking kidding me," he cursed. "What did you take?"

"Happy pills," I laughed, stray tears streaming down my face. "I just want to be happy, Jace. Don't you? Hmm... we should kiss. That might make you happy." I inched forward.

"Not while you're like this," he muttered.

"Like what?" I smiled widely. My cheeks hurt from how far they were stretching, but the hot tears never stopped. "Happy? Why the fuck does no one care if I'm happy or not?"

"Stop it, Venus. This isn't happiness."

How do I tell him that this is the only time I feel happy? The only time I feel okay. The only time I didn't wish I was run over by a fucking car. The only time I didn't wish that I was just gone.

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