🏮85. Touching Reunion

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Amber took a deep breath, feeling relieved once the strange feeling that had come over her faded. She looked around for any signs of a trail that led out of the Shadow Forest and found some broken branches further out. She decided to head towards the broken branches, but shortly afterwards, she felt a strange sensation wash over her.

Hot and cold flashes shot through her body, followed by the tingling sensation of overflowing magic. Her skin prickled while sweat beaded on her brow and trickled down her back. She bent over with an ache that started just below her heart and spread throughout her body, sucking the air out from her lungs, and choking her.

She felt her heart beat in her ears. With every beat, it became louder, pounding until that was all she could hear, and took precedence over all her other senses. Her knees gave out and she knelt onto the forest floor, not even noticing that some thorns had pierced her legs.

"Thump! Thump! Thump!" Banged in her eardrums while the air around her vibrated from the magic ripples bouncing out from her mana core. Then the air around her turned black. It bounced out of her in waves, like black smoke, and shadows; dancing through the air. The shadows and smoke felt cold when it caressed her skin. She felt like she'd been thrown into deep snow and began to uncontrollably shiver. While she gasped for breath, a chunk of her shiny silver hair, as wide as two fingers and the full length of her hair, turned as black as ink.

Then a black light surrounded Amber's entire body and she disappeared.

"Do you see it? Do you see? See...see...see," Amber heard a quiet voice echoing in her eardrums.

The feeling in her body slowly came back along with light and heat. She groaned, feeling weak and entirely worn out. She felt herself lying down on something surprisingly soft and cracked her eyelids open, fighting the gunk that was keeping them glued shut.

Opening her eyes, Amber was met face to face with an overly excited and proud Arabella. She was standing next to the bed Amber was lying down on. Arabella's gray-blue eyes looked crazed and her hair had changed from white to pure black.

"Your hair's black," Amber croaked out of her parched throat.

"Yes! Isn't it wonderful," Arabella said while spinning around. "Do you like it? Isn't it beautiful?"

"How did it happen?" Amber said.

"That black gunk you got us stuck in was actually a form of space magic. Then you drank up all of that refined mana water. The Frost family is one of the few families in the Verglas Empire who had the genes to pass down space magic. I was starting to think that I would never be able to connect with my magic, but look at me now. I've manifested my very own space magic!" Arabella grabbed hold of some of her long black hair and pulled it around to look at it. "Isn't it beautiful?!"

A small smile appeared on Amber's lips. "It's lovely, congratulations, but what am I doing here?" Amber said while looking around the room in the consciousness space. Ahead and slightly to the right, was the same small round table where the two of them had drank tea together, and in front was the viewing screen that had been blacked out.

She blinked in confusion while looking at that black screen. "What's wrong with the viewing screen?" Amber said.

Arabella looked back at the black screen. "Oh, nothing. I've spent a lot of time trapped here, so I've learned how to do a few things," Arabella said flippantly while flicking her fingers at the screen. Black light came pouring out from the palm of her hand, causing the viewing screen to turn on again.

"There, is that better?" Arabella said. "This will allow you to see my touching reunion."

"Touching reunion?" Amber said with a feeling of dread creeping in on her.

Arabella grinned. "That's right! While you were busy flirting with that black haired man, I got to thinking. Since we're both sharing this body now, why shouldn't we each be able to get the men we want? I can feel this body's connection with our familiars and I can tell that they're close to the First Prince. I can't directly teleport our body to the First Prince, but I'm able to teleport our body to our familiars. Now that I'm able to control magic, I'll convince the First Prince that I'm the only woman he wants."

"Now that I've become stronger and I took care to weaken you first, it won't be so easy for you to interfere. I was originally planning to spare you the graphic details of my reunion, but since you insisted, who am I to deprive you of it? Don't be too sore with me though, I've actually become quite fond of you. So much so, that I never intend to part from you. I will do everything in my power to ensure that you stay within my body forever," said Arabella.

"You can't keep me in here!" said Amber.

"Oh my sweet, sweet Amber, I absolutely can," Arabella said while reaching down and taking hold of some of Amber's hair. She played with it in the light and then tossed it back to the bed.

"Enjoy the show," she said while winking at Amber and disappearing with a puff of black smoke.

"He isn't worth it! You'll get us both killed! You've already seen my memories! You know what will happen!" Yelled Amber into the empty room.

"By your memories, do you mean that silly Duchess Dash book that you've read? It was just a book, Amber. It was just...a...book," Arabella quietly said.

Then the viewing screen came into focus and Amber saw that they had arrived in a large steel room, with pipes along the walls that reached up to the ceiling. Along the far wall were large upright clear tanks full of different colored liquid. Within the liquid in the tanks were some magical beings that Amber didn't recognize. They were all wearing breathing masks and nothing except small white clothes over their genitals. However, Amber did recognize the magical being in the last tank. Full of a strange golden fluid, floated a perfectly formed elven man with long purple hair and beautiful golden eyes; Prince Elystar.

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