|59| blood pool

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You have a place in my heart
No one else ever could have.

~F. Scott Fitzgerald


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* Trigger warning *

The silence was overcoming me, it was devouring me whole until all that was left was...nothing

I stare in fear, my eyes stuck on Davids his heated gaze that looks over my whole body,

A smirk grows on his face as it lands on my cuffed wrists, his eyes gaze down my legs, my pants have been thoroughly sliced by what seems a knife,

"They were cut by the sharp fencing outside while you were being dragged" he shrugs answering the curiosity in my gaze as I stare at my bruised bloodied legs,

I swallow roughly trying to keep my strength,

Aaron...I'm keeping strong for him,

And for Henry,

I won't allow myself to give up, I want them proud of me, and I want to live another day outside of this terrifying cell I've been chained in.

"Don't worry though...the pants now give me easy access" his smile grows terrifying, it brings me back to the memories from years ago when he was above me, holding me down against my own will,

I don't want to be raped.

Aaron has given me a new perspective on sex, each time we have it, it gets better, the memories dim of David forcing it on me,

When I think of sex...I think of Aaron, and the way he praises my body with soft touches, making sure I know I'm truly the one in control, even if Aaron is the one above me...

It doesn't matter to him, he always makes me understand I have true control over any new thing we try.

And I won't have that be tainted by David's touch, I won't let him ruin that for me,

I'll fight as I've never fought before if his hands try going anywhere near me,

"Oh be quiet you imbecile, you can have your fun with her after we weaken her body" Wren walks in, rolling her eyes as if David's talk of rape is an inconvenience to her plan,

"Well well...look who it is" she smirks looking at me,

"Your poor clothing..." she tsks shaking her head

I look down at my torn-up clothing, dirt covers my skin from me being dragged, my hair feels gross, and the bun I had in earlier has completely disappeared, mostly likely from once again me being dragged,

"It's not like it was my choice" I grit out

She scoffs "I think you should watch your mouth...I'm the one in control here"

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