My Former: Divorce

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Standing at the bus stop, Eli was watching rain falling on the ground. How beautiful isn't it to see the cloud is sacrificing herself and pouring down continuously! The rain always creates a new world of fantasy for Eli since her childhood, it makes her lost all track of time and enjoy the time to see the rain as if somebody kept the tap open in heaven. But today she was not happy as usual; the rain reminded her of series of incidents. Unknowingly, alike the cloud, her eyes also released all its pain in form of tears. She stepped out of the bus stop and let the raindrops drench her and wash all her pains which she had been hiding for months.

After two hours she came home and directly made her way to her room to freshen up. After wearing a comfy dress, she rested her head on the head board and was staring at the ceiling when two drops of tears made their way. Her life has been really miserable, at first, her mother died when she was 6 years, but her father brought her up really well. He gave Eli all his love- the love of both the parents. However, she still felt the absence of her mother; her love, care warmth embrace and specially the motherly smell. But luck had devised something else for her, her father died two years ago in a road accident. She was left all alone in this wicked world, all alone to love and care about herself. Her apartment which was used to be her sweet home with all love and care of family was now just a structure. Her boss who became like her father-figure insisted her to marry his son for her good only but that marriage was a big FAILURE. Eli's boss wanted to give love and care to both Eli and his son, since alike Eli, his son, Jake also lost his mother at a very young age. He thought that they both need a support, assistance and most importantly love and care which they had been looking for, but though the plan was good it led them to suffer more.

After Mr Pratt's (Eli's boss) retirement, Jake succeeded him as an heir to the Pratt industries. Due to lack of love, Jake has always been cold person, never really felt for anyone. His only soft corner was for his father and that's why he had agreed to this arrange marriage. After the marriage, nothing really changed, instead of behaving like a couple, they behaved more like housemates. Their only connection was they were under the same roof, not even same room and they were inhaling the same air available in the house.

There were set of rules and regulations that both of them had to agree. For them the marriage was more like a deal, a contract. For instance, according to the set of decorum, Eli had to make breakfast and dinner for all the working days and Jake had to cook for the weekends. The duty of Laundry changed alternatively every month. Washing of dishes, cleaning of rooms and other house chores were the maid's duty. The thing that first hurt Eli was that, their first night of their wedding. The hurtful words of Jake stabbed directly into her already injured heart. Those words, 'I only married you only for my father, so you don't have to behave like my wife when you are with me, it is just a forced wedding for me. Just pretend to be my wife in parties, meetings- in public, they should not doubt about our true relationship. So don't expect anything from me, I hope, I made myself very clear.' Jake intentionally never wanted to hurt Eli, he just wanted to comfort her by telling that he don't have to pretend like a wife since he know it was a forced marriage for her too. It's true, that it was not easy for Jake to love someone or to open up to someone in the first place, the door of his heart was closed for long and it needed a lot more nourishment, mobilization to get him back to his original self. Jake wanted to give a chance to their relationship but dealing with contracts and confessing to someone needs different level of confidence. Instead of coming closer they parted ways to give each other spaces. But little did they know that the spaces were leading to unbridgeable gaps between their relationship. They cared for each other but did not dare to show that in fear of getting hurt and rejections. Eli, after their first night did not even smile at him, because each time she wanted to let go off her feelings and emotions, those painful words of Jake echoed in her ears which ultimately stopped her.

These small misunderstandings, lack of confidence for confessing to one other, ego, and Jake's cold personality ended up in their divorce. It has been two years they were separated and Eli resigned from their office as she was the secretary of the CEO and after Mr Pratt, Eli had to serve as Jake's secretary which was not possible for Eli after their divorce. Even though they did not have any contact, both kept information about each other's welfare. These two years after her separation were not easy for her since she had adapted herself to being with someone even if that person never cared about her. She again had to embrace loneliness which disappeared when Mr Pratt was there for her, moreover she had no shame or guilt to admit that Jake also became like her habit. In the meantime many changes took place; she heard that Jake was seen with a girl at hotels, Mr Pratt died due to a massive cardiac arrest. [The Pratt industry was a very famous industry and one of the richest in whole U.S, so it was quite natural for Eli to get their information since they were all over the weekly business magazines]. Jake remained same after their separation, he remained same cold, heartless, emotionless and workaholic person but......... even in that stony waste, a small sapling managed to grow. For Jake, Eli was not only a habit but something else to which he really can't explain. Jake could bet that he never felt that strange feeling for any one, since it was brand new for him he was not sure whether it was liking or just habit that he was bearing in his heart for Eli. The indirect care Eli took of Jake reminded him about his late mother and that was it for Jake. He insisted himself not to love her since he really wanted to let Eli go as he thought that she ,a extrovert fun-loving charming girl can never fall for a heartless, emotionless man like him. Truly Jake was an over thinker.

Destiny is always beyond your imagination...whose life will be tangled up with whose life is pre-planned...nothing can go out of the schedule, we may like someone or love perhaps, still our life will get connected to the person we are fated...believe in time, somewhere, someday the owner of your heart will come in front of you...

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