The Truth Unfold

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'Eli, I don't know how will you react after hearing this, but as your friend and your business partner I think there should be no secret in between us. So..... actually Eli, when you divorced me I felt an emptiness in my heart, I realized that you were a part of my life, I was ashamed of my behaviour, but I couldn't apologise at that time because I had no courage to face you after...what I did. You remember talking about Kylie? Why I had cancelled the deal with her? There was a reason behind it; I think the right time have arrived to share this with you. Kylie was my childhood friend, after our divorce, I contacted her to spend time with her, because as you know I never had any friend, but she tried to get close to me. Without knowing her true motive, I got too close to her, but she misused my trust on her. Kylie named our friendship as relationship and spread false rumours about us to get attention. She even said that you divorced me because you came to know about me having extra-marital affair with her behind your back. When things were getting out of the hand and I was trying to get away from the trap, she photo shopped my pictures and started spreading fake news that I used her for my personal need and you know...... nobody believed me, even my father passed away hearing this, soon my company began to run in loss and ........ kylie did everything to get recognition so that people invest on her company out of pity and sympathy and gain my position.' Jake sighed deeply and stopped the car and put his head on the steering wheel, closing his eyes. 'Kylie even kidnapped me and tried to murder me so that her dark truth remain hidden forever.' Eli couldn't believe what she heard, can a girl hurt her own self-respect to get attention and to bring down a respectable person? Eli's mind was occupied with all thoughts which was interrupted by a sniff. She turned her head to find that Jake's face was red due to crying. She hugged him tightly as her life depends on that hug. Though the series of things that happened to Jake were just pre-planned but somewhere deep inside Eli's heart, she was blaming herself for Jake's misfortunes.

However things between Jake and Eli began to change, she again started her silent treatment on Jake. Though Jake tried his level best to talk with her but she ignored him as if he doesn't exist or talk with him as she treats her employees. This behaviour was killing Jake, he began to think that he was unworthy of everyone's love; he was just a curse in anyone's life. Jake started to work like a human-robot, without any expression, lead a insalubrious lifestyle, drinking till throat. Eli noticed everything but she remained firm. Days passed and Eli became Kylie's best friend, which Jake knew as they were deliberately showing their friendship in public especially in front of Jake which broke his heart into pieces, because he thought that Eli is not like others who would leave him when he need them the most but he was proved wrong. Jake thought of committing suicide but somewhere he lacked the courage to do so.

'So Kylie, we are going to hack Pratt Industies' computers and have you already hired people who would steal those files? But remember that nobody should know this. No one should suspect me, is that fine with you?'

'Of course Eli! Nobody is gonna suspect you, we are always on the safe side my princess.' Kylie laughed and Eli joined her.

After few days, police reached Kylie's office and they swayed their handcuffs in front of Kylie's face, her facial expression transformed from happy to that of shock. 'Officers? May I know why you are here?' she said raising her eyebrow. 'You are under arrest Miss Kylie for trying to ruin a respectable citizen and attempt to murder Mr Jake Pratt.' The police said as he commanded one of his female officer to arrest her.

'STOP IT! I said stop it officer, do you have any proof, any arrest warrant? I can launch a case against you for spoiling my reputation.'

'I have proof miss Kylie and here (showing her the arrest warrant) I have the warrant also so let us continue our work, please co-operate.'

Before the female officer could take Kylie, she came and faced Eli with pleading eyes, 'Eli, save me, if today they arrest me then I will not spare you, I will make sure you accompany me to the prison, because you were also involved in the plan.' Eli held Kylie's chin and Eli's pouty lips suddenly plastered a smirk, 'I am so sorry my best friend, my partner in crime, I am so sorry to betray you, but I think it's justified. Since you started the game, I thought that it's my responsibility to finish it. Checkmate Miss Kylie.' Saying this Eli let go off her chin and was about to slap her when somebody caught her hand and slowly put it down Kylie's eyes widened at the sight of the dashing man standing right beside Eli holding her hand. It was JAKE. 'Officer arrest her now and Eli, my love don't slap her I don't want you to touch her, she is just a witch.' Eli's eyes also popped out from her socket at the view of Jake, because she did not inform anything about this to Jake.

'I know everything Eli, how you tricked Kylie and recorded her confession and submitted to the police as an evidence against her (pointing towards Kylie), somebody told me.'

'I am sorry for not informing you anything about this plan and hurting you, knowingly. But I wanted the plan to be full-proofed; so that nobody can understand that it was just an act. But how did you know that?'

'Top secret ma'am. Now come with me (holding her hand) and almost drag her towards his car.'

'Where are you taking me, are you kidnapping me?' but her question gained no response. Soon Jake made Eli wear a blindfold and guided her towards somewhere. After sometime Jake opened her blindfold and Eli's vision became blurry due to tears. The scene reminded her of Steve, this was how Steve proposed her, candles, heart-shaped balloons, rose petals all around with vanilla scent mingled in the air. However the only change was that there was fairy lights shaped in form of letters saying, 'WILL YOU BE THE CAUSE OF MY EUPHORIA, AGAIN?' Eli wasted no time and hugged Jake and cried on his shoulder. 'Yes, Mr Jake, I am all ready to be your Mrs Pratt, again.'

This is how Eli and life gave another chance to Jake which he utilized to the fullest. The new chapter of their life began. Second chances are only for those who deserve it. Believe in time and love someday from somewhere the owner of your heart will come in front of your eyes.


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