4- chocolate chip cookies

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I took a deep breath as the doorbell chimed at Ezra's house. I looked up from my trainers just as my favourite four year old answered the door.

"Archer Hayes, don't answer the door on your own."

"But it's only Olivette, Daddy!"

Ezra looked up at me and a gentle smile overtook his face.

"Good morning, love."

"Hey." I breathed.

"Olive! We are going to have such a super fun day! I have sooooo many games and-"

"Woah, calm down, bud. Let her inside first." Ezra chuckled and opened the door wider to let me in.

I walked in and slipped my shoes off, leaving them by the door. I looked up and noticed Ezra looking at me, smiling.

He shook his head randomly and then looked back at me. "Well, I have a few hours work to do, you're welcome to anything you may need, Archie can show you everything." He said. He kissed Archie's forehead and then walked away.

Oh, I envy Archie's forehead.

"so," i turned to the excited child. "What are we doing today, Mr Hayes."

"Can we make cookies? Or muffins? Or-"

"Why don't we go into the kitchen and see what we can make first, yeah?"

I followed him into their kitchen, and I swear it was better than mine at the bakery. There was a huge kitchen island with a large hob and loads of counter space. Behind that was a double oven, fridge and loads of cupboards. Some had glass doors, allowing you to see the assortment of luxurious glassware this man owned.

"This is the kitchen, Olive."

I laughed. "Thank you, Archie."

I set to work, tying my hair up in a messy bun and grabbing an apron off a hook. I also saw a small one with dinosaurs on it and put it on Archie.

"So, we need, eggs, brown sugar, flour, vanilla andd.."

"Chocolate chippies!" He grinned, holding up a huge bag.

"Carrie puts them in my pancakes sometimes, so we just a have a ginormous bag." Archie mumbled, holding the bag with two hands.

"well, let's get started, this can't be that hard!"

- - -

This is hard.

Very hard.

Normally, I wouldn't have a problem making cookies, but making sure Archie doesn't send himself to hospital is another challenge.

I was weighing out the flour and sugar when he decided that sticking his head into the microwave was a good idea. Luckily, I grabbed him before he could do such a thing.

Now, he's standing next to me on his stool, happily munching on chocolate chips.

"Now we just need to put them on the tray and we'll be done!" I grinned, pulling the bowl out of the fridge. I let the dough sit in the fridge while I cleaned up all the mess.

"Um, Olive?"

I turned to Archie and a small laugh escaped my lips. He held up his hands which were covered in melted chocolate chips. He had loads in his hands and they must've melted before he ate them.

"Oh no." I laughed. "Let's get you cleaned up."

I wiped his hands and face before taking his apron off. I rolled the dough into even sized balls and placed them in the oven before going to find Archie.

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