Chapter 9

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"Some-where! Over the rain-bow...." 

Detective Keele sings loudly in the front seat of his old truck. I joined him on his ride home, hoping to learn more about him. He is the lead on solving my case after all. And apparently he's a fan of IZ, the Hawaiian singer famous for belting out this song accompanied by soft Hawaiian ukulele sounds. IZ, or Israel Kamakawiwo' ole, was a native Hawaiian that clung to traditional beliefs as far a music was concerned. He was a legend. Too bad I can't meet him. 

"Ahh. Stupid tape player." 

The music skips and then sputters before stopping all together. We were effectively stranded on the H-1 freeway, trying to get closer to his exit. Honolulu traffic, well, pretty much all Oahu traffic was bad. Everyone was vying to get home at the same time. I wasn't sure where he lived but I guessed pretty good. 

'Pearl City'. 

He lived in one of the older cities nearby Honolulu. I pegged him to be close to retirement age, possibly late 60's. Though many people here worked beyond that age out of necessity. Hawaii is a god awful expensive place to live! 

"IZ my man, you died too young! I need to eat healthier.." He mumbles. 

This is the second time he has mentioned his health. Does he have any conditions? Something inside of me hoped not. I want him to live a long life. Not die before his time like I did. It's weird to contemplate your own death after you have died. 

We snake through Pearl City in relative silence, only the sound of the trucks AC blasting to accompany us. Finally, he winds down into a cul-de-sac neighborhood. Kids are playing soccer in the street and stop to let us by. Detective Keele waves as he passes. We come to a stop in a modest 2 story home with beautiful landscaping. Somehow, it fits him. 

I wonder what his family contained inside was like. Would they be like my old one, the family I lost before I graduated college? Something spurs me on to see.


"Kainalu, how was your day?" 

Kainalu. Detective Keele's first name was revealed! 

"My love, it was....a day. What you cooking? Smells heavenly!" 

"It'll be ono! What else would I make?" 

The detective finally freed himself from his dress shoes and tie. He groans and walks to the kitchen. 

"Of course it'll be ono woman!" 

He takes ahold of her waist and spins her around. She giggles and pushes him away. Her stature is quite a bit smaller than his, and her shoulder length black hair was streaked with grey. She is pretty and likely of Japanese descent. 

"Ah ha! Fish again. Stew though. You listened." 

"Kainalu!" She laughed, taking his arm and pulling him in for a hug. "How is the case coming along?" 

He hugs her fiercely and softly at the same time. I like what I'm seeing. A genuine family man. Guys can say they love their wives, but if they lack loving playfulness, I automatically doubt them. My dad was always playful with my mom. And he was the gold standard.

"The case is getting worse by the day." He sighed, leaning against the kitchen counter. 

"It's day four correct?" 

His wife turns to stir the stew, her wrist flicking delicately. 

"Yep. Day four. So far we've interviewed four suspects and then today a grandmother and two spouses. It was nuts." 

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