Chapter 13

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Wanda pov

Addison quickly parks the car in the middle of two slots in the parking lot.

"Come on," I tell her, "At least park the car properly."

"There's no time," she says, "We have to make sure you're okay."

"But I am okay," I insist. Wyatt then picks me up again, and carries me inside the hospital. Addison rushes ahead of the two of us to try and get a doctor.

"Follow me," the doctor says, leading Wyatt into another room with a bed to lay me in.

She does the initial checks on me before announcing, "We need to get you an x-ray. There may be a lot of things going on right now. What even happened to you? Did you get into a gang fight or something."

The three of us awkwardly laugh as I say, "Uh not really, there was just some miscommunication."

"Uh huh," she nods, obviously not believing us. She leaves me on the bed lying down and just rolls the bed to another room. The doctor makes me take off my moonstone necklace that way it doesn't interfere with the x-ray. I lay under the large machine for a few minutes before she comes back and rolls me back to the room I was originally in. I get my necklace back and she leaves the three of us in there for a few moments before coming back with a few sheets of what look like a printed scan of the inside of my body.

"So," she starts, "It turns out you have a couple broken ribs and a few other broken bones in other places, which is why it is painful for you to move or even sit up. We are going to have to keep you here for the next day or two just to monitor your status. Although, your werewolf healing is probably going to kick in and get you out of here faster than a human would."

"Okay," I respond, "Thank you doctor." She responds with a small smile before exiting the room, leaving us to stay in there.

"You guys can go if you want to," I tell them, "I doubt you would want to spend the rest of your day cooped up in here."

"It's fine Wanda," Addison tells me, "Stop worrying about us and let us worry about you."

"Fine," I mumble. The rest of the day the two of them stay there with me, trying to get my mind off my current condition. Addison had found some board games in the room and the three of us ended up playing them until they had to go home.

The next morning I wake up and check my phone to see a text from Wyatt. It said, hey, just wanted to let you know that I'm going to school today. I'll come by later on though, to check up on you. I quickly type back, ok, see you later. I then put my phone down to see Addison standing at the door of my room.

"Hey," I greet.

"Hey, how you doing?" she asks.

"I feel better. I think."

"I just wanted to come by quickly. But I'm going to school today," she says.

"Okay," I respond, "I'll let you know if the doctors update me on anything."

"Got it. See you after school." She leaves my room leaving me alone.

A couple hours later, the doctor walks in saying, "Because of your werewolf healing, you will be able to leave either today or early tomorrow."

"Alright, thank you," I reply. I turn on the TV in my room, as I spend the rest of the day alone.

Wyatt pov

I walk into Seabrook high to see all the wolves dispersed and not together as we normally are. I see Willa standing over to the side with Wynter, away from everyone else.

"Hey sis," I say, walking up to them.

"What's up?" she asks, trying to keep her normal demeanor.

"I just wanted to check in with you. How are you?"

"I-um, how's Wanda?" Willa asks, avoiding the topic.

"She's okay," I respond, not wanting to push her yet, "She broke a few things here and there, but I got a text from Addison who got a text from Wanda saying that they'll release her either later on today or early tomorrow."

"That's good," Willa says, in fake enthusiasm, "Can I visit her later? I haven't seen her since the incident."

"I-uh yeah, sure," I say reluctantly agreeing.

"But seriously, how are you doing?" I ask, bouncing back to my question from earlier.

My twin sister sighs, "I'm not doing so well. I've lost the respect of the whole pack. People everywhere at school are avoiding me, and looking at me weird. They call me a monster. And not in the way that we are accepted. They think horrible of me. And Wanda. She must think I was trying to hurt her on purpose. She probably hates me and never even wants to see me again." She looks like she's about to cry by the time she finishes. So I do the only thing I can think of doing, I hug her.

"You are going to be okay," I whisper, "Don't care what other people say or think about you. Just focus on yourself. And there's no way Wanda hates you. She loves you, okay?" She sniffles as she nods.

"Thank you," she mutters.

Wanda pov

It's around four in the afternoon and I'm still lying in bed. I hate to say it, but I haven't moved the whole day. I'm currently playing Subway Surfers on my phone, because why wouldn't I? It's an amazing game. A of a sudden Wyatt walks through the door and goes to hug me.

"How are you feeling?" he asks.

"So much better actually," I respond, "Being a wolf is the best. I could not imagine still being in pain right now."

"That's good," he says, "I have someone here who wants to see you, but if you, at any time, don't feel comfortable, just tell me. Okay?" I nod in response. Next thing I know, Willa walks in.

"Hi," she says quietly. Part of me is terrified for my life, but the other part wants to hug her so badly.

"Hey," is all that comes out.

"Look I'm so sorry," Willa apologizes, rushing to the side of my bed, "I understand if you never want to see me again, or if you want to leave the pack. I know what I did is unforgivable and there's nothing I can say that can be an excuse. I just wanted to say I'm so sorry for everything I did." I smile and give a small laugh.

"Come here," I tell her, opening my arms. Willa's face relaxes as she melts into my embrace, resting her head on my chest. I kiss her forehead, as the two of us stay there for a while. When Willa finally gets up, she doesn't even say anything and just kisses me. I kiss her back, missing her after the few days of being apart. 

Breaking away when we need air, I say, "I missed you."

"I missed you too," she replies, "I love you."

"I love you too."

Call To The Wildजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें