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Deziree Rose

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Deziree Rose

i walked into rya's house and saw redd.

"you good?" i asked and out zamora down.

he looked at me and shook his head.

i looked at his wife beater that had blood on it.

"redd... where's rya? where's aiyden?" i asked and picked zamora back up.

he stared at me and scrunched his face up.

"nigga they upstairs, fuck is to you?" he asked with an attitude.

i rolled my eyes and walked upstairs.

"rya!!" i called out.

all i heard was aiydens cries.

i walked into aiydens room and saw him in his crib.

i looked down and saw rya's unconscious body.

"RYA!!" i yelled and immediately called the police.

i held aiyden in my arms as he continued to whine.

"shhh, it's okay son son." i mumbled looking around the waiting room.

trisha was here and she was watching zamora and kennedy play.

"thank you for being here with me.." i said lowly and looked at her.

"of course.. i kind of owe it to you." trisha said with a light smile.

i nodded slowly and looked at aiyden who was now falling asleep.

"finally.." i mumbled and laid him in the seat next to me.

draco and redd walked into the hospital and walked to me.

"what happened?" draco asked.

"yea redd, what the fuck happened?" i asked and stood up.

"dez calm dow-" draco was saying but i slapped him.

"nigga don't tell me to calm down and my best friend is in that fucking hospital room dying!" i yelled and pushed redd.

"what the fuck did you do?!" i yelled angrily.

everyone looked at me.

"fuck is y'all looking at? mind yours!" trisha yelled and everyone looked away.

"i don't know what happened deziree, i didn't do shit!" redd yelled.

"nigga, you had blood on your fucking shirt." i said and mugged him.

"that was ketchup, why you think it was a little ass stain?" redd asked in a duh tone.

"you tryna say i killed her or sum?" redd asked.

"she ain't dead redd." i said lowly.

"so what the fuck you tryna say deziree?!" redd yelled.

i looked at him then looked away.

i sat back down and waited for the doctor to tell us what happened.

"it's late so i'm not gonna keep y'all here very long but just know, she didn't make it." the doctor said and tapped my shoulder.

my heart dropped.

the doctor walked away before we could ask any questions.

i tried to speak but nothing came out.

i looked at draco and he pulled me into a hug.

redd let a few tears escape.

i pushed draco back and walked over to aiyden and zamora.

i picked up aiyden since he was still sleep and trisha grabbed zamora since kennedy can walk.

i walked to my car and put aiyden in.

trisha put zamora in then closed the door.

"im sorry for your loss dez." trisha said then walked to her car.

i let my thoughts take over and i started crying.

i cried until my eyes were puffy and red.

i looked at my lockscreen which was a picture of me, zamora, rya, and aiyden.

i smiled a little and drove home.

Yea this book getting boring ima just kill 'em off💀

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