[18] A M N A

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The wonderful gift I got on the onset of my return to Dhahab is a broken left foot. The excruciating pain continues throbbing as I limp towards Jawad's chamber. I lost a stepping when I was about to climb on the camel while we were returning. I climbed the camel quite alright, but I tumbled from the other side, causing me to land on the floor with a thud and a crack. And I think I've broken my ankle.

Dalia massaged my ankle with ointment before we began the journey. The agonizing pain reduced during the length of the journey, but as I stepped my foot on the floor, it returned with fuller force. I had to put on a fake smile and play the I'm perfectly alright card for Dalia and Khadijah to let me be. I don't want to be anymore burden to them. They had worry etched on their faces when we were parting, but I assure them it is alright.

But it is perfectly not alright.

I shut my eyes tightly when I get in front of the chamber and place my hand on the door to support myself. My eyes didn't miss the confused expression on the guard's faces. I don't know, maybe to continue with the less than 20 remaining steps to the room or call for help. I'll go with the former.

I place my feet on the floor again and start limping towards the room. I take a step and black dots begins to appear in my vision. I hold my temple. Someone is running in my direction. The person's body alternate between unifying into one and separating into two. I think I'm slowly losing my consciousness. I stagger sideward when the person gets close to me. The first thing I recognize is his scent. Sandal wood. Jawad.

"Amna, are you okay? Are you fine?" Jawad tone sounds agitated. I try to speak, but my mouth isn't parting. I take a step forward and almost fall, but Jawad's hard masculine chest prevents me. He puts one of his hands under my knee and the other at my upper back and scoops me in his arms. I throw him a smile mentally, but I don't know if my face shifted a bit. The whiff of his scent is the last thing I smell before the tiny black dot finally unified into big darkness.


Something tickling my feet makes my toes curl in response. It is a like a mix of pleasure and pain. I try to move my leg away, but there's a heavy, warm object holding it in place. I force my eyes open, then my environment starts to set in. The room is dark, but lit with an oil lamp place on the vanity. I hear soft patters of rain drops outside. I look towards my leg, which is the thing that woke me up in the first place.

I see Jawad rubbing my ankle with ointment. He is engrossed that he doesn't notice I'm awake.
Why is he rubbing my leg? And how did I get on the bed.

Oh, I remember now. The fall from the camel, the long journey, me limping to the chamber, then seeing black dots, Jawad carrying me. He must have brought me to the room when I fainted. I prop my body up with my hands, but for some odd reasons, he's still staring and rubbing my feet. I clear my throat, that is when he raises his head in my direction. He looks between me and my leg before his gaze settles on me.

He sighs. "You're awake?"

"Yes..." I answer, unsure whether he was making a statement or a question.

"Alhamdulillah, I was scared." He smiles then turn his gaze back to my aching foot, which surprisingly didn't ache as much as before. He pulls out a white folded clothe close to my leg. His arm muscles bulge out of his blue robe as he rips the clothing into two. He straightens it, then carefully wraps it around my ankle area.

I grunt when his finger grazes a spot. That particular point is like the pain dam where the pain is generating from.

"Sorry...it will be okay soon..." he raises my leg a bit then passes the clothing behind my ankle. "Just a little more and..." he wraps and ties it. "And we are done."

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