09:00 | let there be light

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IT STARES back into my eyes, chilling me without touch

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IT STARES back into my eyes, chilling me without touch. A native shiver crawls down each vertebrae. Goosebumps dot the back of my neck.

The dark entity before me has an ashy violet hue and jutting bones. Its eyes are sunken in like tiny black holes. When it smiles, I see nothing but charcoaled teeth. Even its hair is slicked back with streaks so jet dark, it has luster.

This thing is soulless. It is genderless. And it is terrifying as fuck.

The tightness in my belly grows more intense the closer it gets. Instinctively, I back into Ace, wishing with my whole being he could protect me from it. Knowing that he can't even see it.

Despite that, Ace cradles me. He's talking to me but I can't make out his words. The only thing in my line of vision and hearing is that—the demon.

"Dev, Dev," Ace says more urgently, shaking me. "Where is he? Tell me what I can do."

I stay frozen, eyes locked on the dark mass before me.

It smirks with amusement. Probably at my inability to move.

"Devyn Brooksss," it hisses.

Oh, God. It speaks!

I swallow as it comes closer and barely make out, "What do you want?" in an audible voice.

With a rasp, almost in need of a cold drink of water, it replies, "Don't you already know, Gatekeeper?"

"What does he want?" Ace asks, stepping in front of me as a means of protection.

The demon pivots, catching my eye and renewing an inescapable chill. "I want you to open the portal. I want the Light."

I grip Ace's arm. "The demon wants me to send it to Peace."

Ace makes a face. "Well tell him you can't do that. Wait...can you do that?"

I remember my aunt's advice in dealing with dark matter spirits. She said that light hurts them, which is why she told me to carry a flashlight. Currently Ace's apartment is a demon haven—mostly dim to throw off the police. But I eye the nearest light switch. If I can inch over there enough, I can flip on the ceiling fan lights to burn the shit out of the demon's eye sockets.

Sucking up the little courage I have, I look it in the face again. "I don't know how to do that."

It croaks with laughter and then accuses me. "Liar."

"I swear!" I cry, inching to the wall, dragging Ace along with me so it doesn't notice my movement. "I have no idea how to summon anything, okay? You're wasting your time."

It narrows its eyes, stalking forward. I tense up all over again. "Stop lying," it growls, making the hair stand up on my arms.

"I'm telling the truth."

"Look, bitch-ass nigga. Leave my girl alone!" Ace yells to the ceiling. He may not understand what I'm getting ready to do, but he understands enough to keep inching with me. Like he knows he's helping me.

"Open the portal," it growls again, snarling with its charcoaled teeth.

I've finally made it close enough to stick out my hand. I extend my arm and flip the switch.


The ceiling fan lights come on, providing solid yellow warmth in the small living room. There's a screech of pain and some contortion. Smoke rises from the demon's skin, like he's a piece of burnt bacon on a greased up pan.

"Liar!!" It screams with agony.

I smile. "Serves you right. Now leave!"

It sets its attention on Ace and my lungs expand with air.

Even before the demon acts on it, I already see it coming. I scream at Ace, shoving him by the shoulder: "Run! Get out of here!"

Confused, Ace locks down, becoming immovable. He's more afraid for me than himself. Which is when the demon barrels into him, taking complete and full possession of my boyfriend. 

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