25| Her husband

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Whatever amusing expression Kenny had on his face had disappeared. "What—what do you mean by that?" He looked from Joy to Dayo who wouldn't meet his eyes. When the reply he needed to hear wasn't forthcoming, a light chuckle came through his lips.

"You're joking, right? This—this is a joke." He added and when neither still refused to engage him with what he would prefer to hear, he lowered his eyes. They lurked left and right for the moment.

Kenny shook his head, refusing to indulge whatever that was going on. "Adesuwa, your mother is waiting for you. She has been very worried."

"My mother?" Joy repeated. She had no memory of the woman he spoke of. But this new realisation that she does have a parent was enlightening.

Kenny stretched a hand to her. "Let us go home."

She looked at his hand. The thought alone was tempting and the worry for a woman who has been in search of her for so long was unavoidable. Adedayo couldn't stop himself from staring at Kenny's hand. Since Kenny mentioned he was her husband, Dayo hasn't been himself. With every passing second, he wished to hide away where no one could see him. At least for the meantime till his mind was strong again and his heart feared nothing. Yet, he couldn't. Not when her hand held his and especially not now Kenny optioned for Joy to leave with him. Adedayo wasn't sure if he had any right to her but he was sure what he felt for her was real.

"I can't." Joy replied and the disappointment in his eyes was obvious. "You said you know who I am but I don't remember anything about you. I'm sorry. I can't leave with you... Dayo, let us go." She pushed the phone to him and dragged Dayo along with her, past him.

"Wait." Again, he was quick to hold on to her arm. Kenny searched within her eyes for the woman he always knew. He could see she was the same person. The only difference was the disappearance of the loving look she always had in them whenever she stared at him. The look that made him feel special and like he was her everything. He had seen it for years. It was disheartening for him to think that within a sparse of one month, it was gone. Instead, he chose to believe it was buried deep inside her subconsciousness and that whenever her memories return, everything will be good again.

Kenny would prefer to pull her away from the man beside her and take her home to see her mother. But, he couldn't. He didn't want to alarm her. Yes, she was right. Her forgotten memories made him seem like a stranger. With her, he was going to take it slow till she remembered him. He withdrew his hand from her and opened a notepad space in his phone. "Please let me have the address of where you're staying and a contact number. I don't want to lose you again."

Joy was hesitant. She didn't know if it was right for her to let him know their address. After all, it was Dayo's residence. Speaking of Dayo, she was sure the entire scenario had ruined his mood. She could only imagine the turmoil of thoughts he battled with. Before Joy could say anything, Adedayo reached out and took the phone from Kenny. Both Joy and Kenny watched him type. When he was done, he returned the phone to Kenny and walked away, taking her with him.

"You mean... Did you just say you've found Adesuwa?" Mrs. Irabor repeated while the joy on her face spread. Kenny nodded and watched her smile broaden even further. She released a tiresome sigh. It was obvious she had had a lot to contend with and like the strong woman she was, she didn't let her worries put her down. Her husband had passed away when her daughter was twelve years old. She had spent the next few years battling with her late husband's relatives over his wealth. After that, she never remarried and made her daughter's wellbeing her only priority.

"I knew it. I know that the God I serve would never allow anything bad to happen to my only child." She sang praises then looked at Kenny who smiled back.

From the living room sofa where Mrs. Irabor sat, she looked in the direction of the door and a light frown surfaced between her brows. "Um... where is Adesuwa? Why isn't she here?"

Kenny's expression turned sour. He was yet to break the other side of the news to her. He wasn't sure how she would take it and had spent some time wondering what he should do.

"Kennedy." She called, not liking the sour expression on his face. "What is it? You told me that you have found Adesuwa. I don't understand why your expression is sullen. Tell me, is Adesuwa hurt?"

He took in a deep breath and released it after he turned to her. "Adesuwa is not injured. She... she lost her memories." He watched her for any reaction and she simply fluttered her lashes at once, more times than normal while the frown on her face reappeared.

"Lost her memories? What are you... what are you saying? How can Adesuwa lose her memories? What—what..." The rest of what should've been words disappeared into the air. Gently, she leaned back into her seat and spaced out.

Kenny rested his elbow on his knee and covered his mouth with his hand. Just like the older woman, he felt the weight of that very information weigh on him even after hours of receiving it. He could only imagine the thoughts that went through Mrs. Irabor's mind. The silence between them lasted a little longer than normal and Kenny contemplated telling her the rest of the information.

"Where is she? You should have brought her home." She suddenly spoke up and from her tone, he could tell she had somehow made peace with it.

"I couldn't because... Adesuwa doesn't recognise me and... she said she was married to another man."

Her frown got deeper. The silence that was once in their midst reappeared. Mrs. Irabor opened her mouth to speak but none of the words came through. She was rather dumbfounded and confused. She folded her arms below her chest and exchanged looks with Kenny, who likewise, had nothing more to say on the matter.

Joy felt guilty. Not because she had necessarily done anything bad but because she didn't want to be the cause for his misery. Ever since they got home, Dayo hasn't been his normal self that she had gotten accustomed to. Sure, he answered her questions and spoke to her. Yet, it wasn't the same. She could sense the sadness and the worry behind his silence. They had acted like nothing happened in the mall by not talking about it at all. Not even the mention of the fact that Kenny had said he was her husband.

Lightly, she bit her lower lip and looked at Adedayo who laid by her side on the bed with his eyes closed. She wondered if he was asleep and if he was, she couldn't understand how he could sleep off with much ease. Her heart was troubled especially after finding out what Kenny said. It was ridiculous to think she has two husbands. That can't be right. Joy shook her head at such thoughts. It was inevitable for her to wonder how all this mix up happened in the first place. Was she in love with Kenny before she went missing? Why didn't she feel much of that love when she saw him? Perhaps, did her missing memories tamper with her feelings? Joy missed the times everything was simpler. When it was just her and Dayo. No pending extra drama and no confusion.

She shifted closer to Dayo, kept her arm around him and laid her head on his chest. Adedayo opened his eyes. For a good while, he has been trying to fall asleep and yet, sleep wasn't forthcoming. He didn't want to think about what had happened earlier today. He didn't want to worry any further. But it was harder than he imagined.

"I love you." Joy said before she lifted her head and met his eyes. She had a feeling he was awake and unlike her, his way of ignoring the matter was to sleep on it. His gaze was soft but Dayo didn't know what to say.

"Nothing has changed. I would choose you even if I'm asked again." Joy's words were aimed at setting his heart at ease and putting his worry aside. She knew it might not be effective enough to make him ignore everything that happened and possibly about to happen. But she hoped it was enough to remind him that her decision was what mattered the most.

Adedayo wrapped his arms around her and held her in an embrace, letting her head rest on his chest. "I love you too... very much." He planted a kiss on her forehead. Dayo was grateful to her. He was grateful that she was trying her best to make him feel better. He didn't want it to seem like he had no faith in her or their love because, truthfully, he did. That was the sole reason he had set aside his personal conflicts and chose to walk this path with her even though he knew what happened today could happen anytime.

Whether either of them liked it or not, their newly found relationship was about to take a drastic turn and neither of them was ready to let that happen.

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